(no subject)

Jan 25, 2010 01:32

Characters: Fran
Progress: Complete
Summary: Fran stays behind to play mechanic
Location: The Strahl, outside Guadosalam
Date: January 1804 - While the others are meeting up with Reks
Warnings: None really.

The recent events had played heavy on Fran’s mind. The Epitaphs, Penelo’s death, resurrection and disappearance, Rek’s death and resurrection and Vaan’s appearance. She had decided not to join Balthier, Mjrn and Vaan as they went to meet up with Reks. She didn’t feel it was her place to intrude. Instead she had stayed behind on the Strahl.

Laid on her back under the engine, she ran checks on all the vital parts, taking each part out to clean and repair where necessary. She knew the Strahl’s inner workings like she knew the back of her hand. The engine purred with life, as healthy as she had ever sounded. While the Decadance had proved a reliable and a worthy ship, none could compare to the Strahl. It really was a miracle how the Strahl had turned up without so much as a scratch on her. Then again, despite all her fickleness the Strahl was a fine ship. Even more amazing was the fact she was able to fly through the Mist of Gaia’s skies with ease.

With everything back in place, Fran tightened the screws up and slide out from under the engine, wiping clawed hands and her face on the rag she had to wipe away the oil. The engine’s purr was a reassuring sound for Fran, it replaced the emptiness the Green Word’s deaf sounds had left.

With everyone else out of the way, she took the chance to fully explore the ship, it was strange seeing things they owned still in the same place they had left them. She was almost certain the Strahl hailed from the same point in time as she and Balthier had when they arrived. The only thing that seemed to be missing was some of the weapons from the weaponry. Not a big loss really, she had her bow and Balthier had his gun and daggers; at least there was plenty of ammo.

She walked to her bedroom, pushing the door open. It felt strange to be stepping inside it once more. Sleep hadn’t been much of a priority since they found the Strahl; and any sleep she had had, she’d had in the cockpit. She would bring her stuff in later to get herself settled back in.

She still had one final job she wished to do before the others returned. She made her way to the cockpit, sitting down in Balthier’s seat. With a press of a few buttons, she accessed the ship’s control panel, before connecting her skyphone up to it in order to upload the map to the ship; it would make travel easier. She was not sure where they next planned to travel. No doubt Balthier would have a location in mind - probably ferrying their guests around.


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