Characters: Tifa and Shelke
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Tifa takes Shelke clothes shopping to try and 'bond.'
Location: Treno
Date: December 1st, 1803
Warnings: Confused girl buying clothes! Oh noes!
Shelke stood in the corner of her room in the inn in Treno, her head turning this way and that as she looked at herself in the large mirror there. She had her deepground uniform half-off, the blue glow dimmed by the folded material, as she examined the purple welt that ran across her lower ribs and stomach. It had been an awful bruise, she suspected maybe even a bone had been broken, but it was healing now, if slowly. Gingerly she touched a few of the darker colored spots, wincing faintly with each prod, but trying to gauge how much longer it would take to heal. It made moving around rather unpleasant, really.
She'd been in the inn a few days, now. At first she had hoped to explore the city somewhat, but shortly after she had arrived Cloud had vanished, and then Celes had left and Tifa had been acting...a little strange. Stranger than most people acted in Shelke's eyes, anyway. She knew there was a time discrepancy here, but still. Shelke wasn't the sort to admit it, but she'd gotten used to having Tifa around those few months she was living with them. There had been a familiarity there that was gone now.
Still, there were other worries besides Tifa, worst of which was her Mako. She had a few more weeks left, but after that...
With a shake of her head she pushed the worry from her mind and went back to finishing her impractical examination. This was the first time she was trying to check it on her own, because she shouldn't constantly need help. She didn't mind the help from Tifa, exactly, but...still. She shouldn't need it! Even if she looked nine, she wasn't really nine, so there. Still, she wasn't really figuring anything out, so she tugged the uniform back up over her shoulders, twisting about with a faint wince of pain to redo the zipper in the back, and finding that she couldn't actually reach it without making her bruise hurt horribly. So it just hung half-off her back, unzipped, as she looked at herself in the mirror and sighed again faintly.