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Nov 19, 2009 22:10

Characters: Rasler, Ashe, Seymour
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Seymour runs into Ashe and Rasler again. Thanks and creepiness ensue.
Location: The Invincible
Date: November, 1803
Warnings: Seymour is a warning unto himself

It had been a long few days for all of them aboard the Invincible, but the recent gathering of the heads of state had left ( Read more... )

rasler heios nabradia, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, seymour guado

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mademyresolve November 20 2009, 18:16:37 UTC
True, the airship was vast, its streamlined shape reminding Ashe rather vividly, rather uncomfortably, of those of the Archadian fleet prior to Dalmasca's restoration. However, aboard those she had been a prisoner whereas now, she and the others of similar status were surrounded by every luxury Regent Cid could offer.

Thinking over the meeting helped to divert Ashe's attention away from the fact that she was eight months pregnant and frequently struggling to find physical relief from the pressures of her growing baby. Now was not such a time; all within was still and the princess felt quite refreshed. Her attention then turned to another, more welcome diversion - Rasler, her prince and husband, as they continued their slow, exploratory walk. With luck, she would not be made to face Vayne again during the flight.

"The Regent intends to return us to Alexandria within the next day," she explained, speaking softly, reaching for Rasler's arm. "I must admit, I shall welcome that."


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mademyresolve November 25 2009, 19:19:50 UTC
A slight tilt of her head and Ashe was smiling gently up at him, aware that the swell of her stomach was such that it tended to sap her sense of balance and energy both. Rasler had good reason to be concerned, though the princess knew better than to push herself. "I will be cautious," she replied equally as quietly, a soft squeeze of his hands between them to reassure. "While I may be... challenged, I feel able, still."

An unusual feeling of being watched began to rise in Ashe, though she hadn't yet taken her eyes from the reflective ones of her prince.


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mademyresolve November 25 2009, 19:31:37 UTC
"I would prefer if I was at least given the opportunity to disembark, first," Ashe laughed, before nodding in compliance with her husband. "Without question," she echoed, "Yet haste, however - I cannot recall the last time I was able to move with haste."

"Shall we continue?"


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mademyresolve November 25 2009, 19:39:59 UTC

Actually, having had so much newfound leisure time between the Invincible's trips here and there to gather the abandoned heads of state, names had been darting into the forefront of the princess' thoughts every now and again. Waiting only a moment, she chose to turn the tables before sharing her idea.

"Have you?"


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mademyresolve November 25 2009, 20:05:45 UTC
Briefly, the gesture of respect to her late, beloved father induced Ashe to lower her eyes in her own mark of respect; what better way to honour his memory than to name her child for him? "... I would like that. Yes. Middle, then." Another squeeze of Rasler's hand, partly out of gratitude.

Slowing even more, she gave her own suggestion another run through in her mind before voicing it, looking up at her husband and awaiting a reaction.

"I like... Dairi."


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mademyresolve November 26 2009, 18:41:43 UTC
Saying the potential name like that did sound extravagant, but necessary. At times, Ashe had wondered about the possibility of assigning only one family name to the child, though it hardly seemed right; they were both parents to the royal baby, after all.

There had been other names, though none seemed to hold her interest save for that one. "None which feel as right," she confessed, holding his gaze as a hand moved to cover his at her stomach.

"Unless you have another suggestion?"


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mademyresolve November 29 2009, 09:47:23 UTC
The name played through Ashe's mind, silently sounding it out. Shain Raminas Nabradia-Dalmasca. Rasler continued to surprise her, it seemed. Shain... such a name was befitting, should tradition's pattern continue and their child be a boy.

How she enjoyed moments like this, when he would be playful with her and the couple could act their age without the critics of the court dismissing their public behaviour as inappropriate. Quite unable to look away from her husband's eyes as he kissed her hand, Ashe chose to return his gesture and, in turn, guided his hand, pausing a moment more before placing a tender kiss to Rasler's palm.

"Shain... A fine name for a young prince."


/finally breaks free e.e; sinsmymaster December 1 2009, 03:30:03 UTC
Seymour hadn't been around the young couple for long, though he was taking the time to discern what they were speaking of. Names, from the sound of it. Deciding not to intrude too much, Seymour walked purposely forward. If they wished to speak with him, he would not object. Of course, he wouldn't force his presence upon them, either, but his path would take him directly by them, so it would be impolite to ignore them.

"Good day," he murmured once he was close enough, giving the Yevon prayer bow. "How fare you both? Well, I would hope."


:3 mademyresolve December 6 2009, 18:17:51 UTC
Ashe released Rasler's hand at the sound of the new voice, waiting until Seymour had ended his bow before giving a respectful nod of her own. On the last occasion she and Rasler had encountered Seymour together, it had been in the midst of Kefka's mad assault on Alexandria Castle; the incredibly tall, blue-haired man had protected the expectant princess from harm and offered aid since. Thus, it was only polite to address him now.

"Lord Seymour," she began pleasantly, gesturing to the prince by her side and looking up to the Maester. "We are well, thank you. May I introduce my husband, Lord Rasler Heios Nabradia."


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