Four Once More

Oct 12, 2009 04:15

Characters: Warriors of Light (FFIII crew)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: The last one has arrived! THE SET IS COMPLETE
Location: Fossil Roo entrance on the Mist Continent
Date: June 1803
Warnings: Enthusiasm, that should be all

Not exactly what she expected )

arc, refia, luneth, ingus

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obligatory choco-riding icon flythesurface October 12 2009, 21:02:40 UTC
Luneth was glad to be out and about. He didn't want to stay in one place, and Dali seemed pretty slow to begin with. Almost like Gysahl in a way. It took them a while to get to the marsh, but it was obvious once they reached its wet, grassy edges that they were there. As Luneth tugged on his chocobo's rein, he was not at all surprised to hear what Refia had said. He chuckled a small one.

"They're just toads, Refia," he told her, but he stopped his chocobo and chased a few toads into the water so she wouldn't have to look at them until they found what they were looking for. And speaking of what they were looking for, Luneth needed a bit of a reminder. He turned to Arc, the cleverest of the bunch, and began to tote his chocobo again.

"What is it we're looking for again, Arc? A cave, right?"

The grass was very tall, and it looked to get taller.


saltparsley October 13 2009, 02:14:13 UTC
"Er, yes, I believe so." He fumbled with his chocobo's reins for a moment as he dug a small notebook out of his coat. While Refia had spent time working up money for the chocobos, Arc had spent some time going over what he knew about the world and figuring out where they needed to be.

He flipped to the appropriate page, checking what he'd written. "Right, yes. There's a cave deeper into the marsh, um, it should be obvious, from what I've read." He paused to glance up at their surroundings and frowned. "...It doesn't seem very obvious."


light_chosen October 13 2009, 03:33:33 UTC
While Refia had raked together funds for their journey for the chocobos, and they had finally set out, Ingus had long been on the road. He hadn't been able to find anywhere that would allow him to rent a chocobo, much less take one through Fossil Roo, so he had been on foot.

Fortunately he had stocked up on rations and curatives before heading out. The Mist spawned many monsters and made visibility very limited, so his adventure hadn't been an easy one. Not that any of the adventures the three had been on proved to be easy.

Thankfully the fights had been less within Fossil Roo, it then became a task of coercing Gargants to take him where he needed to go. Eventually Ingus saw light ahead and, after discovering that he thankfully hadn't been turned around, he breathed a sigh of relief. A little break outside the entrance wouldn't hurt, and if the other three found him before he found them all the better.

Honestly, he was exhausted and just needed to sit for a while. Hopefully without getting attacked by giant man-eating


smallmage October 13 2009, 07:32:59 UTC
"They're gross and disgusting!" Never mind that she'd had to become one at a couple of points, she would just never like the slimy things. It was such a girly thing to hate, but whoever said hating was rational? She hid her eyes for a moment while Luneth chased some of them off, only looking up when she heard him return to his chocobo. "I just don't like them." Even though she could turn people into them. Or used to be able to, at least, she hadn't tested that one yet.

The grass was definitely growing above her head, making her basically useless for navigation on foot, so she put her foot back in the stirrup and hoisted herself up to stand on the saddle as a makeshift lookout post, hoping her bird didn't startle easily. "I... think there might be rocks in that direction?" she offered, pointing towards the north and vaguely west. "It's kind of foggy, but it looks darker over there."


flythesurface October 13 2009, 08:00:37 UTC
Luneth just smiled, remembering how disparaged she had once been at the Tower of Owen. He also remembered the endearing Desch who had risked his life for them. He wished Desch were here now, and then immediately shook his head free of that thought, never wanting to bestow upon a friend a seemingly troublesome place like this "Gaia" as Rydia had called it.

Arc was right, though, the grass seemed to occlude anything "obvious", and when Refia had indicated that she'd seen something in another direction, he came beside his chocobo and up on his toes to see over the grass.

"I say let's go! If Ingus is there, we shouldn't keep him waiting."

He hoisted himself back up onto the chocobo's saddle, and gently snapped the reins to accelerate his feathery steed. Ahead of them, he called back.

"Come on, you guys!"


saltparsley October 13 2009, 17:30:14 UTC
"Oh - er - " Oh they were mounting up now. Well then. More juggling with the reins as he fumbled the notebook back into his coat, and then he also hoisted himself onto his chocobo and saddled up.

That was much better.

From the elevated position, he could see the outcropping of rock that Refia must have been referring to. He urged his chocobo to follow Luneth's, and the three of them were off, hopefully to reunite with their friend.


light_chosen October 13 2009, 18:01:10 UTC
It wasn't long before Ingus heard the sound of approaching chocobos, though given the terrain it was difficult to tell if those footfalls were from a familiar source, or yet another monster. Unwilling to be caught off guard in case it was an enemy, he dropped his supplies and Jumped as high as he could, mostly to get a good look at what was coming after him and to maybe skewer it if it was coming for lunch.

Chocobos! And some familiar figures riding them, excellent! His friends had very good timing. The Jump should give them a good idea as to where he was as well.

He landed and waited for them to come to him, no sense trudging through the grass to get himself trampled on accident after all.

That and he was still pretty tired.


smallmage October 14 2009, 21:35:01 UTC
"Look!" Refia cried, pointing up. Ingus was very obvious in his winged helmet against the sky, and she grinned widely as he started to land again. Now they had an obvious destination!

And Refia flicked her chocobo's reins to speed it up, weaving around the grass and dodging a strange little hut at some point before coming - finally - up to the rocky outcropping, with Ingus waiting on the ground before it. And it was probably no surprise what happened next: she tossed the reins over her chocobo's head, ground tied it, and then ran the last ten feet to the dragoon to grab him in a hug, armor and all. "Ingus!"


flythesurface October 15 2009, 20:02:18 UTC
When Luneth had arrived, he'd been alone and accused of murder. Even with Rydia around, he didn't feel quite welcome. But then Refia had mauled him, to say the least, then he and Refia mauled Arc, and now it was their turn to maul the last Warrior of Light, he who saved the world with them and he who made Luneth wonder what could be wrong with him that he was so serious all the time.

He hopped from his chocobo, but waited for Arc. He wanted the very last group hug mauling process to be a great group thing; maybe with their combined force, they could knock down the fierce dragoon knight that Ingus had become on his arrival. He even made it a point to go at him extra hard.

"Come on, Arc! It's Ingus!!"


saltparsley October 17 2009, 03:00:56 UTC
That hut seemed pretty interesting; Arc made a note to come back and check it out once they'd reunited with their friend.

He didn't really want to rush Ingus and knock him down. He'd been on the receiving end of that already, and it was slightly unpleasant. But Luneth's urging was inarguable, and so Ingus got rushed, if a bit reluctantly.

Either way, it was nice to have all of his fellow Warriors of Light together again, after having been here by himself for so long.


light_chosen October 17 2009, 07:09:02 UTC
Perhaps, had he taken a moment to consider, Ingus would have prepared better for the incoming tackle. Now, he was a strong guy, he could handle one from Refia, possibly Luneth if it were only him, but all three? Not a chance. Especially with Luneth intending to knock him flat.

So all Ingus managed to do was look mildly surprised and slightly brace himself for impact before he was indeed flattened by the three Warriors of Light. This was far from dignified. Ingus tried his best to scowl and look annoyed but it really didn't come off as sincere, and a small laugh did escape him.

"Are broken ribs a new form of greeting?" He asked quietly, in a rare joke. Evidence enough that he was quite glad to see them.


smallmage October 18 2009, 06:30:38 UTC
Refia wasn't intending to knock him flat, and even though she was strong, she was small, so she couldn't do that anyway, but with all of them? Sorry Ingus, but you're going down.

Refia didn't do too much better, though, considering she got squished between one set of armor and two red mages, and her initial laugh as she barreled into the dragoon was cut off as all of the breath was forced out of her body. It took a second to get it back enough to go "L-Luneth! I can't breathe!" and start pushing at him. She didn't want to be even smaller!


flythesurface October 18 2009, 07:05:31 UTC
Noticing that he had in fact, along with Arc, he had smushed Refia, he scrambled up to get off everyone. He rubbed his head a little embarrassed; even in this random place he was still exciteable and getting everyone into situations they probably didn't want to get into.

Again he offered Refia and Arc his hands to help them up, Ingus able to get up on his own, and knowingly would deny Luneth's hand anyhow. Ingus was chilvaric and self-sufficient like that, or so he had always thought.

"Hehe, hi Ingus," he greeted the mostly flattened knight, "I always thought you looked good as a Dragoon!"


saltparsley October 18 2009, 08:14:27 UTC
At the mention of injuries (joking though they were), Arc did his best to extricate himself. But he was still on the ground when Luneth offered a hand. He took it without fuss, rose to his feet, and proceeded to straighten himself out.

That taken care of, he smiled up at his friends and said, "Oh, yes, that's fortunate! Things might get rough if we had a party solely of mages. But, ah, that aside - It's very good to see you, Ingus."


light_chosen October 19 2009, 04:23:07 UTC
Indeed, Ingus was. Granted he wouldn't refuse a hand up in a more dangerous situation, but this he was perfectly capable of handling himself. "Thankfully I am, the armor protects well against your boisterous greetings." Ingus teased Luneth lightly back. As friendly as he was being, he must have been rather upset at having found himself stranded in a very strange land alone. He picked himself up off the stone and straightened his armor, looking as stern and serious as ever.

Thankfully the others weren't too far off. He cast a concerned glance over all of them. "You are all well, I trust?" Recently being smushed not withstanding. Noting that they were indeed, all mages of some type he was glad that he'd found himself in the armor of a Dragoon. Someone had to be able to take the hits should they find themselves in a situation where that were necessary.


smallmage October 19 2009, 06:32:05 UTC
And Refia also accepted the hand up from Luneth to finish extricating Ingus from the pile. The armor may protect him, but there's no need to prolong the experience. She gave Luneth a quick smile for his help, even if he caused it in the first place, before turning back to give Ingus a very familiar and very thorough once-over, hands on her hips.

"You haven't been taking care of yourself again, have you?" You should be familiar with this look, Ingus. It is not a pleased look, and clearly you're going to have to come under her personal supervision until you can take care of yourself better. "You're too thin! And your armor is all banged up, I thought I taught you better than that!" Her eyes narrow and look carefully up and down - also not a comforting look.

"...You didn't bring enough supplies, did you!" It's not really a question. "You didn't think to ask how long this tunnel was and how many days you'd need to consider when you bought your food. Oh Ingus." Sigh. "You're absolutely hopeless."


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