Characters: Delita and Ashe
Summary: Seeking closure, the pair visit the Farplane to say goodbye to their loved ones.
Location: The Farplane and Guadosalam
Date: A few days after their return to Warjilis
Warnings: Initial angst?
Not lightly had the choice been made. Even as they rode on chocobo back with a half-hour's journey behind them, Ashelia
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Once upon a time he would have returned there solely to lament his lot in life, but this time his purpose was to move forward. He hoped to say goodbye once and for all to his sister, but he also wished to share this portion of his life with the princess. He knew not if closure would come for him, but he knew that both Tietra and Ashelia deserved more from him.
Sight of their destination up ahead brought an unease she ought to have anticipated, yet Ashe refused to doubt, looking to Delita and finding herself strengthened by his presence.
He looked down, apprehensive about going in drawing strength from the princess' nearness. It was solely his desire to share his sister's likeness that drew him on.
"I am glad to have your company this day Ashelia."
"As am I, to have yours."
Sensing her mount's sudden unease, the princess took the initiative and dismounted to secure the chocobo's reins to a branch. From there on, walking was necessary.
He stared for a moment at the fullness of the tree, before offering his arm to assist her up onto the first of the roots. For the first time, he noticed the greatness of the tree before them.
While not being withdrawn, Delita did not introduce conversation. He kept his gaze upwards, drawing attention to the hole that marked the entrance to Guadosalam.
A purpose upon which Delita appeared to be focused, given the fixation of his gaze. Ashe clasped her hands together and stepped closer to him, nodding toward the open hole.
"... That is the way?"
His steps got smaller the closer they approached the hole. He wasn't sure if it was more difficult saying a final goodbye to his sister, or letting go of some of the past.
"Once we arrive in Guadsalem, it's a long spiral down to the platform that looks into the farplane."
His hand brushed against hers in accidence, drawing forth a strength that he didn't even know that he required.
"Then, let us go on," she offered quietly before carefully stepping up to the entrance, the decisive action meant as motivation for them both. There she waited for Delita to join her, gazed out across the tangled weave which formed Guadosalam.
The trip down to the farplane was still long indeed, and he felt compelled to share a little of what she might find.
"All who have passed this life are found within its borders, yet expect little from the visions. Nothing is said, only stoic non-moving apparitions."
He was ready to move at Ashelia's pace, for he knew that communing with the departed could be trying and emotionally draining.
"The images... we only see those who were most important to us?"
Somewhat eerily, the city stood quiet, which enabled their conversation to come unhindered by greetings nor glances from the native Guado.
Delita was well versed in their ways after his initial visit.
"You can see whomever you deem worthy enough to see."
In his case, his attention was limited to his sister. It would also show any of Ashelia's loved ones as well. He led her deeper and deeper towards its entrance until they could see its outline in the distance.
From what she could tell, they had to pass through and onto the platform before them, amid the strange green glow... What had been nerves had passed. If anything, the princess felt drawn onward, wanting to look closer at the mystery ahead.
Yet she waited, knew it was important that Delita be the one to make the move and take the first steps within.
Conscious of the other guests, he led them to an empty corner and stood there for a moment devoid of thought. He wasn't quite ready to face the fact that she was departed, never to return.
He simply looked down until a memory of he and Tietra blowing grass in the fields crept into his thoughts. As the vision formed in the pyreflies, he clung to the last few moments of denying her eternal death with a low murmer, "Tietra."
Sight of other visitors surprised her somewhat, but then grief's reach was far, and though intrigued, respect lowered her gaze to lend privacy to them - to Delita as he stood in silence. Ashe did not release his hand, not even when the figure began to form, a young girl, spirit-like. His lost sister.
She gasped, able only to gaze upon the image and know she had been the most important person in Delita's life. Coupled with feelings of intrusion came great privilege, for the significance of this moment was not lost on her.
"She was too young, but I'm glad for you to have seen her."
He let his gaze drift over to his sister, ready to finally accept her death. It pleased him that he was able to share this moment with Ashelia.
Finally at peace, his frown began to disappear even if he wasn't quite ready to smile.
For what she expressed her gratitude Ashe couldn't be certain, be it his company or the sharing of so personal an experience. Perhaps both. Having drawn her line of sight away from the apparition, she met Delita's gaze with her own, calm and placid.
Hope that he felt that which he set out to achieve... it slowly gave way to wonder. Could she truly find peace for her prince? Thoughts of Rasler came to her, the lack of respect with which the Occuria had manipulated his image. His memory deserved no less than peace, and her acceptance.
Only when Delita turns back to the incredible skyscape before them did she follow, only for a more prominent gasp to escape her lips. For there, before her, floated his very visage.
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