
May 24, 2011 08:42

Characters:  Leonora, Porom, Ursula, Palom, Ceodore, Dancing Girls, OPEN
Progress:  Incomplete.
Summary:  Preparations for trips to the shrines is underway. The girls are determined to get Leonora into something she can't trip over.
Location:  Troia
Date: May 24th.
Warnings: dancers, peeping, hormones... really nothing much to warn about
Other: Feel free to use the rest of the log for any open tagging, party-style fun you want while in Troia. There's a pretty big crowd in the area. Just make a note somewhere in the subject or tag whereabouts in town you are. :D

Returning from that meeting left Leonora feeling anything but revitalized. There was simply far too much at stake, too many risks, too many questions. Yet something had to be done or this world was just as doomed as their own. She felt more confused and lost than she had when she'd arrived and out of habit, she went to the one place she hoped she could depend upon to still her thoughts enough to see what she should do: the Earth Crystal's chamber.

The darkened room just was not the same. Without the light to illuminate it, it was gloomy and nearly impossible to see in. She stared glumly at the empty pedestal, knowing that the crystal she was supposed to protect was halfway around the world from here. Soon it would travel even further for a plan she wasn't sure she had faith in at all. It wasn't only the chamber that felt the absence of the resident crystal. Leonora could see the differences in Troia itself. Even displaced from home, there were things that had changed that should not have been. The waters were not as clear, the forests not as lush. Troia flourished under the blessing of the crystal and with it gone, much of that abundance was gone.

Leonora clasped her hands in prayer, reciting them all from memory, although her heart and mind was not in it. She knew such shallow devotion was wrong but she simply could not stop her thoughts from straying away from the task at hand. Could the crystal even hear her from such a great distance? Was it angry with her, for leaving Troia or for going to the moon or... seeking Palom's guidance just as much as she did from it. No! No thinking about her teacher. Not here. Only she couldn't seem to stop herself from wondering if he'd laugh at her for taking this so seriously. But it was serious, wasn't it?

palom, porom, ursula leiden, leonora, ceodore harvey

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