
Apr 27, 2011 22:15

Characters: Zidane and Garnet -- Open later, after they've had some time alone.
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: When Zidane returns to Alexandria, he's in for more than one surprised.
Location: Alexandria Castle
Date: April 27, 1805
Warnings: Mood Swings?

This was going to be difficult. Garnet could not get around that thought in her head. Even through the surges of joy and anxious waiting, and the lows of anxiety where she worried about just how much his memories had been affected, and how much she had to tell him besides that, the one fact remained. This wouldn't be the untainted, joyful reunion she'd hoped for.

For one thing, Alexandria was still a mess. Sure, things were on the mend, the debris cleared to the side, the majority of the monster carcasses hauled away and burned in large piles outside city limits, but the shadow of the assault hung over the city like a rain cloud. On this particularly afternoon, Garnet alternated pacing her room, looking out the window, and sitting in the chair that faced out of it. She couldn't sit still for more than a few minutes at a time, and eventually, she'd had to dismiss Steiner, Beatrix, anyone who insisted on being with her, because it only made things worse. She guarded a shred of hope that Zidane would knock before he entered. assuming he bothered to use the door.

After staring out the window for another long moment, hoping for some sign of him, she stepped away, practically pulling the curtain shut behind her as she paced to the other side of the room.

"I swear, if he doesn't show up soon, I might just lose my mind," she murmured to herself. Nevermind that she still didn't have a plan of action.

zidane tribal, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros, adelbert steiner

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