The Holy Judgement Has Come

Apr 23, 2011 10:20

Characters: Garnet, Eiko, Hope (with maybe a little voyeurism from Relm? open to anyone else in Alexandria to observe)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Alexander demands that his presence be summoned during the Lunar Cry
Location: Alexandria Castle
Date: April 22, 1805
Warnings: Violence, summoning?

The Holy Eidolon is calling for his summoner. )

serah farron, oerba dia vanille, relm arrowny, hope estheim, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros, eiko carol

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crowned_jewel April 26 2011, 01:51:14 UTC
Garnet wasn't entirely sure how she'd come to be where she was. Like a ghost, she'd drifted through the halls, completely focused. She remembered nothing clearly, except a warm light in the center of the jewel around her neck. How she managed to ascend the stairs, she wasn't sure -- such a thing these days normally left her out of breath. There was a voice, in the back of her mind. A distant murmur, guiding her path, urging her forward.

"What is it you need?" she asked, barely a whisper. The voices of the Eidolons had never been completely clear to her, as though she had cotton stuffed in her ears. But, someone wanted her. Someone needed her.

But why?

[ooc: should the threads be compressed down into one? let me know if I should move this.]


lastsummoner April 26 2011, 20:48:38 UTC
Eiko too found herself standing on the roof of the castle, although this was no surprise to hear. She could hear the Eidolon speaking clearly to her through her horn. He was calling his summoners. The demand was loud enough to her to drown out all else around her, in fact.

The moment she spotted Garnet, she raced forward, pulled as if they were two halves of a magnet. "He's calling us again."

((ooc: This works great!))


holyjudgement April 27 2011, 20:41:54 UTC
(ooc: yep, works for me!)

Hope, too, had reached the roof, surprising even himself by making it through a castle he'd never set foot in before, Serah and Vanille in tow. His brand was still glowing a bright gold on his wrist, but the immediate pain had by now subsided. Ordinarily he would have panicked at his brand acting in a way he'd never seen before, but somehow, he'd known instinctively what was being asked of him.

Seeing the girl, Eiko, and a woman he wasn't familiar with, Hope found himself drawn towards them.

"He called you both, too...?"


crowned_jewel April 28 2011, 03:16:12 UTC
Garnet had half-expected Eiko to be there. She had not, however, expected this third person -- a young boy she didn't recognize. She blinked, and nodded.

"So you hear it as well. Then... you're a summoner too?"

She barely noticed that her necklace had begun to shine even more brightly, it's light rivaling that of Eiko's own jewels, and the strange brand on the boy's wrist.


lastsummoner April 29 2011, 17:59:05 UTC
Eiko blinked in surprise at Hope's arrival. "You're a summoner?!" She had no idea and once the immediate crisis was over, she planned to grill him forever about his Eidolons. Now, however, was not the time and she looked up again, the demand to be called growing even louder.

The light around all of them was growing by the second and Eiko's horn started to ache from the pressure of the sound coming through it. "He's ready for us." Being bossy by nature, she held out her hands, expecting them both to cooperate with her while she took the lead.


holyjudgement April 30 2011, 22:41:01 UTC
"I'm--" A l'Cie. But being on the run from people who hated and feared l'Cie for so long made him hold his tongue. Better not to risk saying anything, even on another world. So Hope said nothing and gladly let Eiko take the lead. With a serious nod he stepped closer to them both. "Right. Just tell me what to do."


crowned_jewel May 3 2011, 03:17:23 UTC
Garnet was used to Eiko taking the lead. Garnet had spent several months without the ability to even hear the Eidolons, let alone summon them. Now, to be in this situation again, like so many years ago... it was almost as though she were on auto pilot; her hands moved on their own, her ears felt as they were opening wider, hearing things that normally would go completely unnoticed. She did her part to close the circle, taking one of Eiko's hands, and then reaching her other out to grasp Hope's.

Though she didn't even know his name, as soon as she took his hand, Garnet felt an undeniable connection to the boy.

"Just listen," she said, her gaze lifting toward the sky, and towards the crystal sword through Alexandria Castle.


lastsummoner May 4 2011, 13:04:01 UTC
"You have to pray in your heart," Eiko explained solemnly. She could tell that Hope was somehow connected to Alexander, but how was still unknown. He didn't carry any pieces of the summon jewel like she or Dagger did. She repeated the familiar prayer aloud, waiting for all of their hearts to be in sync to call forth the holy Eidolon. "Oh holy guardian, hear our prayers. Darkness overshadows us once again. Oh holy guardian, hear our prayers. Deliver us out of darkness into light."


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