The Holy Judgement Has Come

Apr 23, 2011 10:20

Characters: Garnet, Eiko, Hope (with maybe a little voyeurism from Relm? open to anyone else in Alexandria to observe)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Alexander demands that his presence be summoned during the Lunar Cry
Location: Alexandria Castle
Date: April 22, 1805
Warnings: Violence, summoning?

The Holy Eidolon is calling for his summoner. )

serah farron, oerba dia vanille, relm arrowny, hope estheim, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros, eiko carol

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focustrigger April 23 2011, 20:13:54 UTC
It had been a long few days, but after the rest since coming to Alexandria, Serah did feel somewhat recovered from it all. But the Lunatic Pandora moving bothered her - not only for the fact of the danger it could possess, or the long shadow it cast over the land in front of it, but the worry for her sister. Lightning had gone to board it, and Serah'd had no word since. With Lightning, no news was good news, in its way. She was busy, doing her job, saving them all. Serah was doing hers, with Vanille. But it still didn't stop her glancing to her phone every now and then, waiting for any trace of her or Fang, anything at all.

The morning had promised its share of distraction - to see Alexandria. Except, seeing Alexandria seemed to be something that wasn't go to go to plan, as Hope suddenly departed the inn - as she watched, she caught a glimpse of his hand, emitting a light that... whilst foreign, seemed familiar.

Serah followed him out, Vanille going with her. "Hope!" she shouted, as they ran to catch up with him. "Hope! What's wrong?" she tried again. And again. No matter how many times she called, he didn't stop.


you guys can skip around me if I take too long ♥ tosavecocoon April 24 2011, 00:12:30 UTC
Vanille had never actually been to Alexandria before, and the sight of the city at first made her gasp with surprise and wonder. But soon after, she acclimated to it, sticking close to Serah and Hope. She knew Lightning would be very upset with her if she let anything happen to Serah and she didn't want another spot of guilt on her conscience.

She was worried about their friends, even the ones from other worlds, but she didn't show it if she could help it. Even subdued, Vanille was still a bright spot.

Still, she was with Hope and Serah in the inn when she noticed Hope acting strange. She paused and frowned, hurrying after Serah.

"Hope!" she called, glancing at Serah in fear. "What's wrong? I've never seen a brand do anything like this before." Well... she'd seen them glow like that many times, but she'd never seen someone... not pay attention like this. "We should follow him."


kk! holyjudgement April 24 2011, 19:43:30 UTC
Hope barely heard them, he was so fixated on his goal. He continued on straight towards the castle, the people in the streets and the sights of the city all going unnoticed. At the castle entrance the guards blocked his passage, but he pointed to the top of the castle, branded wrist still glowing brightly.

"He's calling his summoners. I have to go to him. Alexander..."

At the mention of the holy Eidolon's name, the guards looked alarmed but immediately let them through. Hope continued on and reached the castle, knowing exactly which corridors to take and stairways to ascend. He was heading straight for the top, where he'd indicated, not even looking back so much as once to see if Serah and Vanille were still following.


focustrigger April 24 2011, 20:55:30 UTC
Serah nodded to Vanille's suggestion of following him. That was easy; what if there was something really wrong? He wasn't even hearing them, so what if- there were just so many what ifs. It wasn't even a question. But something else that Vanille had said worried her. "You haven't?" she voiced to Vanille, her face and her tone mounting in worry.

She followed Hope best she could, but, unlike him knowing where he was going, she didn't, having to dodge crowds and run to catch up. At every pause they were suddenly moving again, like when they reached the castle.

"Alexander?" Serah asked aloud - to Hope, partly, but, since it was clear he wasn't going to answer, she looked to Vanille. "Isn't Alexander Hope's Eidolon...?"

But before she could get anything else out, Hope was off again, and it was back to playing catch up along the castle corridors.


tosavecocoon April 24 2011, 21:03:17 UTC
Vanille didn't understand what was happening any more than Serah did and her confusion and worry were easy to see on her face. The redhead reached out for Serah's hand as they ran, intending to keep close to her so they wouldn't get separated.

When Serah asked her question, Vanille shook her head. "An Eidolon will come when it's needed, and our brands will glow like his is. But I've never see someone... do what he's doing." She'd never seen someone blindly go where they couldn't possibly have ever been.

"Let us through!" she yelled at the guards who tried to stop them. "We're with him!"

The guards didn't seem to understand what was going on, either, which just made Vanille worry more. "Alexander, that's right." She frowned. She'd felt her gem stones call to her before, but she'd never... not like this.

"I don't understand..."

But still, she followed, keeping close to Serah. They couldn't lose each other now.


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