Memoria: Group 14

Mar 22, 2011 23:14

Characters: Marlene, Onion Knight, and Quistis!
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: My Fondest Memory
Location: Memoria!
Date: March
Warnings: None yet?

The shifting scenery as they progressed no longer came as a surprise, though Quistis was slightly startled to see what it had changed to. The beach was familiar in an odd, hollow way -- she remembered it from their recent visits to Edea's house at the cape, but it felt different this time around. Somewhat removed. Her actual memory of this day was somewhat blurred, as were so many of her memories of days long past. The price so many SeeDs had come to pay for the use of their guardians.

There, further down the beach, a group of children played noisily. Some of what they shouted was indiscernible, but she clearly recognized a much younger Seifer as he kicked in a nearby sand castle. The crying that ensued was familiar as well, marking the castle's lauded architect as a very small Zell.

She felt strange as she moved towards them, Selphie and Irvine waving for her to join them as they scoured the coastline for seashells, which they appeared to be collecting in the bright pink bucket that dangled from Selphie's right hand. Everything seemed... bigger.

... had she gotten shorter?

marlene wallace, quistis trepe, onion knight

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