Protecting My Devotion - Group 21

Mar 12, 2011 21:46

Characters: Blank, Baby Brooke and Delita
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: What's worth fighting for.
Location: Memoria
Date: 11th March, 1805.
Warnings: None yet.

Pink haze to the sky? That couldn't be good. It usually meant bad things on the horizon. And it seemed this time was no different. The sudden light was so blindingly bright that he was forced to shield his eyes from it, and when the light faded, he was no longer on the warm sands of Luca, he was on the Prima Vista - correction - he was on the charred, burning wreckage of the Prima Vista.

He was on the charred, burning wreckage of the Prima Vista, holding a baby. Oh, that wasn’t good. That wasn’t good at all. He really didn't want to get arrested for child snatching.

Still, he didn't have long to worry about it before Baku appeared. Talk about a sight for sore eyes! He was given a map, and told to go after Zidane and the others, and keep them out of trouble. He had a slight sense of déjà vu, but quickly shook it off. "Leave it to me, Boss." He looked down at the infant. "Looks like we’ve got a bit of an adventure, kid."

delita heiral, blank

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