Protecting My Devotion - Group 10

Mar 11, 2011 11:51

Characters: Ashe, Rosa, Ursula
Progress: In-Progress.
Summary: Memoria
Location: ???
Date: 11th March.
Warnings: Baby freakouts, TAY spoilers, teeth-rotting cute somewhere probably

After everything that had happened in Narshe, Rosa had been hoping for a quiet day to rest and recover her energy without the use of a potion. Unfortunately, just as had happened every time she'd hoped for something like that, she found herself paying attention to that pink sky. It reminded her of something, something really not good. Hadn't she seen it before here? She frowned, looking up at the sky and wondering what it could be. Without warning, the light grew brighter in a flash, nearly blinding her. She reached a hand up to cover her eyes, immediately crying out for Cecil-

When the light faded, she found herself standing on the dock by Baron. The Lunar Whale was close by and she could see preparations being made... preparations for a trip to the moon. But which one? Was this a set of memories like the last time? Rosa vaguely remembered something of the sort. Taking a deep breath, she approached, stopping quickly as she realized the ground wasn't the right color. Instead of being a nice, lush green and brown from grass that grew tall and welcoming, the earth was covered with a purple tinge and a rotting stench emanated from certain points where the meteor rocks had crashed into the earth. The sight and smell nearly made Rosa ill, as it nearly had when she'd first seen the destruction.

No... was she home? Was this... real?

"Cecil? Ceodore?"

Her voice caught in her throat and she moved forward, trying to see more. Off in the distance over their heads, the moon could be seen, bright, yellow, and as big as a village by now. It was so close to crashing into the earth. Rosa's nightmare had begun again.

ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, ursula leiden, rosa farrell

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