
Feb 16, 2011 14:02

Characters: Squall, anyone in the Garden, the Loire family
Progress: On-going
Summary: Squall (re)meets Laguna, and family visits happen
Location: Alfitaria
Date: Probably slightly backdated, since I meant to have this up a couple of days ago
Warnings: None

It had been odd, Squall had realized, to have to reconcile the fact that Laguna was both back and didn't even remember who he was. Even with the time oddities, meeting your father before he technically met you was disturbingly bizarre. Perhaps not worse than Time Compression, but distinctly bizarre and that fact and kept bouncing around in his skull for the duration of the time it took for the Garden it get to Alfitaria.

How was he supposed to react, a small part of him wondered. What things (what stupid, ridiculous things) would Laguna want to do? What should he even expect?

He didn't have the answers by the time the Garden finally touched in Alfitaria, but by that point it was already too late. Now all he could do was try and keep his head above the water, metaphorically speaking.

irvine kinneas, rinoa heartilly, squall leonhart, ellone loire, raine loire, laguna loire

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