Invasion of Figaro

Feb 11, 2011 18:08

Characters: Anyone in Figaro, Lufene, Kuja, random villains!
Progress: In progress
Summary: Lufene wants something. Figaro's got it. She's going to get her hands on it, whatever it takes.
Location: Figaro, castle and town.
Date: February 11, 1804
Warnings: Fights, craziness, possibly gore? We'll find out ( Read more... )

porom, relm arrowny, celes chere, terra branford, edgar figaro

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Open/Town praygenius February 12 2011, 00:46:33 UTC
Less than a day. She'd managed to return to Mysidia for less than a day before another emergency dragged her away again.

"Your first priority is surviving." She reminded the white magic students around her. "Support anyone who's fighting and get any civilians to safety but above all please, please don't do anything stupid and get yourselves killed. It's not selfish to avoid fights you can't handle, you're more use alive than dead."

She stopped speaking to look out over the side of the airship. They were over the outer continent now, and close enough for teleport to work. "That includes you, Palom. We're heading out. Anyone willing to teleport there, gather around me."

Several of the students hung back as she cast Teleport, taking herself and those who'd gathered by her into South Figaro instantly. Still dizzy from the long teleport, she stumbled a little while taking in the surroundings and then got to work, casting protect on a nearby guard to take the bulk of the damage from an oncoming attack.

ooc: Anyone else who was off-continent feel free to assume they were on the same airship/also got teleported~


Open/Town stfuporom February 12 2011, 14:19:52 UTC
Palom rolled his eyes at his sister's speech. Don't get yourself killed, blah blah blah. Same as always. To humor her, he nodded his head. Porom would know at one point she was going to have to save him, and Palom knew vice versa.

Teleported down, Palom was immediately thrust into battle. A fire attack was immediate, sending the monsters back.


Open/Town praygenius February 12 2011, 21:24:19 UTC
In fairness, Porom wasn't all that good at following her own advice. It was only a matter of time before she got over confident or tried to do something suicidally stupid. They were alike in some ways.

But for now she hadn't done anything stupid yet and so she was more than happy to convince herself that she was the smart one and that Palom was the only twin who acted rashly and needed protection. She trusted his ability to deal with magic attacks on his own, for now, and focussed on making sure physical ones wouldn't hit him. Falling back out of the range of the monsters, she cast Blink on her brother.


Open/Town stfuporom February 22 2011, 17:14:20 UTC
Thank whoever she hadn't done anything stupid yet.

Lifting a hand to signal a thank you to his sister, Palom ducked under one monster's attack, then launched a thunder attack at the surrounding area. Yes, yes, he was careful about it, Porom. He's not going to hit you.


Open/Town praygenius February 22 2011, 17:24:20 UTC
The twins' attempts at teamwork weren't practised and certainly didn't seem orderly but they were fluid and when they did go wrong they at least went wrong in entertaining ways. And when they didn't go wrong they worked. Porom knew to step to the right when the thunder came a little too close, unsurprised by it. When one particularly lucky or durable monster weathered the first attack, she used reflect to catch another stray bolt and redirect it to finish it off.


Open/Town for_cosmos February 12 2011, 22:36:31 UTC
As soon as he had seen Celes's announcement of the attack, the warrior had gone toward Figaro to assist. If this was an attack by Lufene, then there must be a reason for it, and even if he had thought to leave the fighters of Figaro to face a horde of monsters, Lufene was obviously up to something, and needed to be stopped.

When he stepped close enough to Porom to be included in the Teleport spell, he gave her a brief nod, but with the other mages gathered around, there was hardly time to do anything more than that, or even get close enough to exchange words, before the spell was cast.

Almost immediately, he was forced to defend against an attack. He quickly stepped forward to attack the zombie that did it, giving the mage students time and space to cast their own spells.


Open/Town praygenius February 12 2011, 23:02:38 UTC
Had Porom be the type to make jokes, she might have lamented that every time they met, fighting zombies seemed to be involved. But she wasn't and so she busied herself with yelling instructions to her students instead.

As they ran out to aid Figaro's soldiers, she turned her attention back to the warrior. With the amount of monsters it was unlikely to be a short battle and so she chose to focus on defence rather than using her magic to fight at least for now, casting Protect on the warrior.


Open/Town for_cosmos February 13 2011, 12:58:43 UTC
At least they had been able to introduce themselves at a party, rather than in the midst of battle. As it was, the two of them were probably more likely to come across each other in battles, considering their natures.

The warrior paid only slight attention to the orders given to the mages, simply to know what they were doing. The monsters he fought had more of his attention. Perhaps it was unlikely to happen, but he wanted to finish the battles here quickly. If Lufene was truly around, he wanted to face her, and see why she had decided to attack here.


Open/Town praygenius February 13 2011, 17:19:45 UTC
The undead nature of the monsters Lufene creted from the mist at least meant that Porom could deal with them easily herself when they get too close rather than needing too much protection and even after the long teleport she was still in far better fighting condition than she had been in Mysidia. While she continued to focus the bulk of her efforts on supporting the warrior, casting haste now, curaga and life spells made short work of the monsters that tried to attack her.

The other mages were avoiding fights as best they could, a few supporting Figaro's soldiers but most focussing their efforts on getting the remaining civilians safely away from the battle.


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