illusions in the mist. [Now open thanks to ninja subthreading.]

Feb 02, 2011 23:24

Characters: Rishfee, Vincent Valentine, General Rughadjeen, Eiko (You are stowing along, right?) Auron (I believe. Lemme know if Ive been informed wrongly.)
Progress: Ongoing.
Summary: Caedarva Mire exploration / Azouph isle staging point discovery / boss fight / aftermath. Luzaf's UNEXPECTED TURNING UP IN FINE FORM AT THE WORST TIME EVER will be ( Read more... )

rughadjeen, rishfee, auron, vincent valentine

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Azouph Isle staging point / soulflayer fight. immortal_lion February 3 2011, 00:14:59 UTC
As the general wind temperature seemed to inform the group that it was nearing twilight and as the voices of the Ephramadian fomors started to grow stonger yet again, finally the dreary, foggy and murky scenery started to dissipate. The fog remained as strong as ever, as did the stench, yet the dim and faint outlines of trees finally gave way into something unseen, something that could even be relished, as it signified an end to the long and slow traversion of the mire ( ... )


chaos_vessel February 20 2011, 18:03:28 UTC
The blue of the creature's eyes, as well as Rishfee's reaction to it, set off alarm bells in Vincent's head. It reminded him far too much of Rishfee's reaction to his transformation into Galian Beast, or what little of it he'd seen. They had seen nothing else but this creature after entering the area, certainly not the blue mage they had been looking for. There was only this creature. The signs all pointed to an unpleasant fact.

There was little time to think on it, though. The monster was coming closer. Clearly, there would be no escaping it, not if they wanted to stay to examine this place. Since the bow was already in hand, he got off a shot at it immediately, but he was already watching the creature to see if the weapon had an effect- or rather, how little effect it had. He doubted the bow would be helpful in this situation, and he was more than prepared to set it aside in favor of his gun. Even if it would use ammunition, it would probably be necessary for this fight.


immortal_lion February 23 2011, 12:05:59 UTC
"Do not look into it's eyes!"

To do such would render anyone under paralysis. Striking one should render one under a terrible curse which sapped the strength from both their mind and their body. They were vile, vile creatures- versed in black magic more accomplished than that of any black mage.

As it approached, the oddest squealing sound filled the air, at first unnoticeable, but continued on and on without end. As it came closer, still tracing odd arcs in the air with it's arms very alike a broken puppet, the sound was to get louder. Loud enough for Rishfee to hold his head in his hands. Loud enough to be extremely painful.

It came to a dead stop, and dark energies swirled around the creature. Tribulation -- an ability meant to curse Vincent with the effect of the most severe Bio, an incantation designed to bring the man to his knees in suffering in a matter of minutes.


rughadjeen February 27 2011, 16:44:09 UTC
The noises that were made and the sight of the creature, the stench, everything, it was over powering. His blade was freed as soon as the thing made a move towards them, taking Rishfee's warning and lowering his gaze. He made sure that all he could see was the bottom of the flayers robes. His grip tightened, this wasn't something he had ever fought against before. Not that he could remember, and it was surely something he would never forget if he had.

Rughadjeen made to move against it when the noise got louder, he stilled but brought the Algol higher, closer to the monster as he swung the blade down with as much might as he could muster.


immortal_lion February 27 2011, 21:09:46 UTC
The Soulflayer hissed, spitting out putrid water as the Algol almost cleaved it's head from it's body. However, even the might of the sword of stars was not enough to even wound it. The soulflayer extended a damp, pale arm and caught the Elvaan around the throat, dark energies swirling about it as it begun to cast, what passed for words causing sprays of putrid, horrible, stinking venom to splash against the Elvaan's face.

Rishfee was forced to break from Vincent, and attempted to run towards the creature which still had the Elvaan by the throat, now lifting him up so high, even his feet couldn't touch the ground. Sadly, he didn't get there in time. The soulflayer finished it's incantation. Flare II.

The Elvaan was envoloped and consumed by a series of explosions.


chaos_vessel February 27 2011, 21:31:04 UTC
The effects of the Soulflayer's spell were nearly immediate, and Vincent gave a pained grunt as Bio began to work on him, draining his strength. He refused to stumble yet, and did his best to remain standing, though with the spell working on him, it might not last for long. He barely paid attention to Rishfee breaking away from him when the Soulflayer grabbed Rughadjeen and held him in the air. The most he noticed was that the effects of the spell likely would not be removed any time soon. He could feel it draining away his strength, and already, his aim was wavering slighly.

He meant to get in as many shots as he could, as quickly as possible. That was why, unlike Rishfee, he remained where he was when the explosions surrounded Rughadjeen, and waited for an opening- then fired, getting three shots at the monster.


rughadjeen February 27 2011, 21:43:09 UTC
Rughadjeen was far too slow to pull away from the Soulflayer as it reached out to grab him. The clammy hand around his neck caused him to let go of the Algol with one hand and bring it up to try and free himself. His eyes widened and he tried to turn his head away as it began the spell. He choked as he feet left the ground, kicking his legs hoping to maybe catch the thing and have it either let go or loosen it's grip.

But the first kick was all he managed as his body stilled and his back arched at the pain that erupted around him. Letting out a loud cry he dropped the Algol. He wasn't down, but he was badly hurt and ached everywhere. Pretty sure that he was still smoking. It didn't matter though if the Flare II hadn't finished it, the fact he was being strangled would cause him to pass out if it kept going on.


immortal_lion February 27 2011, 21:51:38 UTC
It was all he could do to leap upward against the Soulflayer and raise his wightslayer in an upward cleave against the creature- turning it in the air as he reached the peak of his jump and forcing the thing down to cleave. The Soulflayer spat more venom alongside a few loose tentacles which writhed and contorted upon the floor, dropping the Elvaan and making a strike to bash Rishfee with it's stave.

However, thankfully, Vincent's aim was as true as ever, and the creature gave a piercing scream before getting a face full of lead. It stumbled backward, raising it's staff unto the air. The finishing blow was fatal -- yet it would not... it could not allow those which had fatally wounded it to escape ( ... )


chaos_vessel February 27 2011, 22:22:40 UTC
Vincent saw Rishfee get in a hit to release Rughadjeen, and watched the shots hit in satisfaction, even as he did his best to prepare for the creature's next attack. He had dropped to kneel after firing, feeling the Bio spell still working on him. Still, he did his best to ignore it, and reload to fire again as the creature raised his staff. It had already proven that its attacks could do horrible amounts of damage, and to be unprepared to respond, if not avoid it, would make an already difficult fight nearly impossible.

He had almost completed the action when the Soulflayer cast Mind Blast. He would have jerked in pain, maybe even would have screamed, but the Paralysis was already in effect. He was trapped in no position to defend himself, and no way to break the Paralysis until it wore off.


rughadjeen February 27 2011, 22:54:38 UTC
Rughadjeen fell to the ground unceremoniously, having the air knocked out of him. Despite the protest of every single part of his body, he still willed himself to move, to get to his feet, get a better distance put between them and prepare. He had just been able to crawl and grab the handle of the Algol when his body and mind were hit by the monsters final and desperate attack. Each time he made to move his body resist, only now and then were his actions carried through. With a lot of struggling he managed to get to his feet, actions stopped more often than not. He had no remedies or Panacea's on him to cure himself of the paralysis so the only thing he could do was fight through everything ( ... )


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