Happy Birthday, My Old Friend...

Jan 14, 2011 23:06

Characters: Tseng and Reno, and later Cissnei and whoever else Reno and Tseng tap who want to show up
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Someone's having a birthday....
Location: Turk HQ
Date: January 14th (starting in the morning...)
Warnings: The possibility of Reno's foul mouth, Turkish fun.
Reno was a snoop.  Obviously, or he wouldn't be good at his job, now would he?  He long ago learned the birthdays of each of his coworkers - and thus he knew a certain someone was going to be a year older that day.  Which meant that fun HAD to be had.  Hell, he and Tseng had talked about it earlier, when Sephiroth had just stormed back into their lives like the grumpiest grump that ever grumped.

Which meant that upon waking, they had much to do.

For once, Reno was up before dawn, lightly tapping at the door to Tseng's room (their relationship was still budding, after all.  Not fully there yet.), greeting him far more cheerfully than Reno ought to ever be that early in the morning.  The scent of coffee wafted through the air - he'd detoured through the kitchen before heading on over - and ... yup.

"We've gotta make those cupcakes," he mentioned, sitting himself down on the side of Tseng's bed, whether Tseng was getting up and moving around or not.  And by 'we', more than likely, Reno meant 'Tseng', since the redhead was godawful making anything more complicated than coffee, tea, or instant-noodles.

"And keep her out of the manor until we're ready... Zack can help with that..."  He hadn't really made any real plans for that, just that Zack would pitch in.  They were Turks, after all.  And even if Cissnei suspected something, she still wouldn't know exactly what they were doing, right?

zack fair, tseng, cissnei, reno

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