A harbinger of despair? [active]

Jan 11, 2011 13:35

Characters: Tseng and Reno
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Sephiroth's arrival has both Turks a little on edge
Location: Turk HQ
Date: the same day as Sephiroth's arrival
Warnings: Tensions running high (again)

Or a bastion of sanity? )

tseng, reno

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Comments 20

turks_reno January 11 2011, 19:48:58 UTC
Reno hung up his own phone, then proceeded to utter a few choice cuss words in the direction of it. "Son of a..." And then he laughed and shook his head. "No, I guess he isn't a son of a bitch, is he?" He sighed, then tucked his phone away, raising his eyes to fix on Tseng.

"I know I shouldn't have yelled at him like that. But he had no right to talk to any of us like that. He's not my superior officer. And since when has any member of SOLDIER expected the Turks to just divulge all of their information over an non-secure line right off the bat? He deserved everything I said to him, Tseng. And you know it ( ... )


nogoodpeople January 11 2011, 20:48:10 UTC
"I would be willing to accept 'son of a bastard'," Tseng answered. "Hojo deserves that much at the very least." If not something more colorful, but while Tseng had no more problems with profanity than any of the Turks he'd leave the creative arrangement of profanity to other people. Besides, if Sephiroth meant to take up a position as acting commander of SOLDIER (a thoroughly pointless title, here) he'd likely need to speak to the man more often than most.

Thus, it would be far better to not have a variety of unflattering nicknames lurking in the back of his mind.

"I know. For some reason he doesn't seem to be dealing with the transition well. If we were back home, I would have suggested that perhaps he needs to take some time off. As it is, I happen to agree with everything you said, so there's no need to send an apology."

And inter-departmental politics be damned. Sephiroth might not be in the habit of thinking of Tseng as the Head of the Turks, but he was and he meant to do everything he had to to make sure that Sephiroth ( ... )


turks_reno January 11 2011, 20:58:29 UTC
He snorted. "Caution?" He shook his head, gently tugging Tseng a little closer. There was no one there besides the two of them to judge or even to see at the moment, so screw propriety. Just a little closer.

"We need to be as tight-lipped with him as we would with Hojo himself. Or our former President, for that matter. The previous incarnation of Sephiroth here may have been a bit cold, but he wasn't a prick like this one." He sighed. "Could it be that this one is from a bit closer in time to his cracking-at-the-seams than our previously-seen General? The idea is... well... frightening, to be honest."

He didn't like this whole deal. He wanted to be able to trust the General, but the way he was acting, there was nothing doing.


nogoodpeople January 11 2011, 21:08:32 UTC
"I don't know," Tseng answered with a sigh as he gave in to Reno's tugging. He hated to have to admit it, but there it was. He didn't have enough to go on, either from what he'd seen or what Sephiroth himself had implied.

"It could be his natural reaction to being forced drastically outside of his comfort zone. He could simply have been having a bad day prior to this. Or, you could be right and he might very well standing on the edge of madness. Until we have any indication one way or the other, I fully intend to remind him that he is not and never will be in charge of the Turks and as such is not granted authority to order us around."

That duty fell to him. Not Hojo's grand creation, no matter how much said creation might try.


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