The question's burning on [Closed]

Aug 18, 2010 01:10

Characters: Laguna, Raine, and Ellone (if she wants to join in?)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Time Loop finally hit Laguna
Location: Dali
Date: August 17
Warnings: None

Laguna had been alone in the house. Raine continued to insist on working at that bar and Ellone was out and about for the day. For once, Laguna didn't feel like running around as well. If anything, it felt nice to be able to relax. Once he got the dead monster out of the garden anyway. Though it made him wonder about the wind drake he met earlier that month. He often wondered what became of her. Laguna honestly hoped that the mother and cub were doing alright not that there was not a search out to get her. If nothing else, it made the people of Dali like him more.

The town was small, just like Winhill, but not as mean. He kind of liked that.

As he made his way to the kitchen, a sudden wave a dizziness overwhelmed him and he had to clutch the door frame between the living room and kitchen to prevent himself from falling over. He blinked rapidly, trying to fight against the sudden exhaustion and dizziness that overwhelmed him. What was going on? He could have sworn Raine's cooking that morning was just fine! His stomach was just peachy? So why was he feeling like this? He wasn't sick, that's for sure. So, why...?

Laguna slid from the door frame. He was unconscious before he even felt his body hit the floor.

ellone loire, raine loire, laguna loire

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