
Aug 15, 2010 08:25

Characters: Mikoto, Warrior of Light, Firion, Refia, Edward, Locke, Genesis, Blank, Vivi, Rikku, Mjrn, Serah
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: The group finally confronts Garland.
Location: Pandemonium
Date: August 15, 1804
Warnings: Violence
Notes: Additional information on this week's segment can be found here. To see the entry walk into Pandemonium, ( Read more... )

serah farron, locke cole, edward chris von muir, firion, vivi orunitia, mjrn, warrior of light, rikku, mikoto, blank, refia, genesis rhapsodos

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melodiesoflute August 20 2010, 21:24:36 UTC
A gasp escaped Edward once he watched Garland use his power to effortlessly toss Vivi into the air. With Firion unconscious and the little black mage being pushed to the limit, it was time for someone to start healing the team. As much as he feared Garland's might, the bard rushed into the fray with two small phials in his hands.

"Vivi, catch!" He yelled once he tossed the potion towards the mage. It was an X-Potion, one of seven that the bard possessed. Edward was certain that they would be in need of the items he stashed away, but he hoped to save his only elixir for later. If this battle does go south, only one person will be able to be restored to full health.

Crouched next to poor Firion, the bard popped open the cap of the X-potion. The warrior needed help, his wounds looked far too extensive for magic alone to heal. "Please be well." He said as he potion's healing liquid shimmered down upon the youth.


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thisdesertrose August 20 2010, 21:38:47 UTC
Firion groaned softly as he slowly drifted back consciousness. Blood clung to his face from his head wound, matting his hair in place. But the wound was closing and the bones in his arm were snapping back into place. Suddenly, the memories of what had happened came back and his eyes snapped open. "Edward?"


for_cosmos August 20 2010, 22:15:03 UTC
Being hit by the Wave after Garland's Flare was almost too much, especially as close to the man as he was. the Warrior of Light almost retreated. At first, sheer strength of will held him there and upright, but he could feel the Regen and other magics working to return his strength. After only a few moments, he forced himself forward once again.

"Enough! Shine!" he shouted, raising his shield in front of him to release a burst of energy and light from it. As soon as that attack was finished, he rushed toward Garland, sword raised. He was going to keep attacking, no matter how many times Garland tried to puch him back. They had to end this, and quickly. Garland's attack on Vivi only strengthened his resolve.


smallmage August 21 2010, 07:38:59 UTC
Magic. This man fought with magic. Even with her body still crackling with energy from the Flare, Refia knew how to handle that, especially if he couldn't physically attack - and despite him wearing armor, he didn't seem to have a weapon.

She quickly made sure the Regens were still going - that spell never lasted long enough for her liking - before grabbing a hi-potion she'd stashed away in the pockets of her robes and downing it. "Everyone, get your potions! Quick!" Because the white mage wasn't healing them - she was first going to stop them from needing to be healed. Reflects started popping up, first on the warriors, then on Vivi, then right on down the row as fast as she could. It wasn't fast enough for her, though - and she left herself for last, expecting to get interrupted at any moment.

But it would give them a few moments to recover that they desperately needed.


melodiesoflute August 21 2010, 17:36:36 UTC
"Are you well, Firion?" Edward asked in concern before turning his attention to the battle. Genesis was on the attack, almost slashing blindly at Garland in hopes of ripping the foul sorcerer to shreds. The Warrior of Light was now gearing up for his next strike, obviously enraged by Garland's treatment to their allies. Wondering just what he could do to help them, the bard's thoughts were interrupted once he felt Refia's magic.

"A reflect shield?" He blinked his eyes owlishly. "I see! Perfect strategy! Without his magic able to reach us, he can't harm us." But what does that mean for the bard's songs? Well, considering that his magical tunes aren't really magic per say...

"We can win this!" Hastily playing another tune, Edward relied upon the Hero's Rhyme to boost his comrades strength tenfold for the next few minutes. That means all their strength in rather melee or magic attacks will be increased for as long as the bard keeps playing. This was their chance to thwart Garland, this was the coup de grâce.


thisdesertrose August 21 2010, 17:42:46 UTC
Firion pushed himself up, his arm sore but on the mend. He nodded to Edward. "I am well, thank you, my friend."

He looked to the warriors who tried to tear at Garland. Genesis with his flaming sword, Light with his shining sword, and Mrjn with her deadly spear. Refia's magic was almost a constant as he felt the reflect shield in case him and suddenly the battle field was surrounded by the bard's magical lyre.

Things were finally going in their favor! "Keep playing!" The teen called, he finally stood up and in front of Edward. He had to keep the song from reaching an end before the battle was over. Bow in hand, he drew back the string and an arrow of light appeared forth. Waiting for an opening between the warriors' physical barrage, he let loose the arrow once it was found.


morehatthanmage August 21 2010, 18:22:16 UTC
Vivi moved a little as the X-potion took effect, coat still stained with maybe-blood from the damage he had taken while tranced and unable to comprehend it. It took him a while to find the strength to stand, medicine didn't do a whole lot for exhaustion and it did still less for complete lack of morale.

In the end, it was only guilt that gave him the strength to stand up. If he didn't fight and they lost because they'd wasted such a strong healing item on someone who didn't help them... He stood, using the ether that he had offered to Refia earlier and focussing to strengthen his magic.

He'd been using Flare a lot in this battle but he saw no real reason not to. Besides, it had been the spell Eiko has asked him to use on Garland. Mind focussed, he started preparing to cast Flare again.


cycleofchaos August 21 2010, 21:02:57 UTC
The Silence spell wore off and Garland took that opportunity to begin casting once more. His selection in this case was one of them that defied Reflect: Stop. Starting first with the pesky little healer in the party, followed by the Warrior shooting light at him, then the winged on slashing at him. One was an annoyance, the other two attackers were potentially deadly. He couldn't avoid their strikes, nor the spear jabbing at him.

An arrow lodged in his shoulder and he ripped it out with a groan, then concentrated another Wave of energy at the whole of them. It served to knock them all away from his person and potentially wipe them out.

Seeing the model looming dangerously overhead and threatening to fall on his head, Garland stepped back. It saved him from taking a direct hit from overhead, but when it shattered, shattered pieces of material flew up and hit him. Enough was enough, it was time to end them. "Mikoto, eliminate them."


nomerevessel August 21 2010, 21:27:49 UTC
Mikoto heard Garland's command and, like the good little puppet that she was, immediately obeyed. She moved to stand in front of Garland, using her own body to defend him, and cast Night.

This was a spell that affected all, ally and enemy alike, sending them to sleep. Mikoto herself was immune to its effects, so it would give her the opportunity to eliminate those who did succumb to it. She brandished her knife again, staring at her opponents without any sign of recognition in her eyes.


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thisdesertrose August 21 2010, 22:50:57 UTC
Firion was hit with the Wave just like everyone else was, his battered body sent flying and smacking into the ground, his arm threatening to re-break as it was hardly fully healed, though mended it may have been. He groaned, pulling himself from the floor and holding his arm to his chest. Quickly, he located his bow and went to grab it when he felt the signs of magic all around him. He watch, bewildered as some of his allies fell to the ground, asleep.

"What? Why are they...?" He began to say, looking down at himself and wondering why he did not. Firion didn't remember if his Gaian equipment prevent certain status or not, his mind too shocked to remember that the Coral Ring he wore on his finger prevented such a spell. In the end, he took advantage of the situation and approached Mikoto. Her eyes regarded them all without recognition and it hurt. "Mikoto! Please, stop this! You are stronger than this! You can overcome Garland's control!"


morehatthanmage August 21 2010, 23:26:03 UTC
Vivi's flare spell fizzled out as the Wave struck, once again sending him rolling away backward. He didn't have nearly enough weight to remain in place when struck like that. He stood again, almost dashing toward Refia to try to help but distracted by Mikoto suddenly turning against them.

Panicking, he did the least lethal thing he was capable of and tried to cast Stop on her himself to keep her from attacking them without hurting her but her own night spell struck before he was done. He had no equipment to resist the sudden sleepiness and he was too exhausted to endure it. He fell forwards once again, fast asleep.


melodiesoflute August 22 2010, 00:35:36 UTC
Crap, crap, crap! Garland was now using status ailment magic against them, something that Edward didn't think he would do. After boasting about Refia's strategy, it seemed that now Garland was focusing his attacks on the white mage. This was bad, very bad. Genesis was knocked out cold, and Vivi was knocked out as well. When the soulless Mikoto approached, a sense of dread billowed up within him. Was she truly going to fight them now...? Hating every moment of this battle, Edward rushed over to Vivi in hopes of waking him up.

"Come on, get up! This is no time to sleep." He yelled as he shook the little mage. After a few fruitless moments, the bard took out a potion. It was the elixir. Maybe if he could wake up Vivi with this, the mage can use his magic against Garland. He was thinking about giving this potion to another, but Vivi needed this more.

Uncorking its top, the bard flung the magical tonic on Vivi. "Please! Wake up!"


knowshermachina August 22 2010, 06:14:28 UTC
Standing on the lower platform spared Rikku from the wave of force that Garland sent out, but all that did was allow her a few precious seconds as Mikoto suddenly switched sides and began casting night at them.

Rikku fished into her bag and yanked out a remedy as the wall of darkness engulfed everyone., hurling it up towards the other group, hoping it hit someone...and then the night spell hit her and she slumped down onto the floor, asleep.


for_cosmos August 22 2010, 13:27:35 UTC
Warrior of Light could feel the Stop affecting him from the moment it was cast, and he tried in vain to struggle against the magic and continue his attack. This close to Garland, it was deadly to be left so vulnerable, but he could do nothing but wait for the attack to come.

The Wave from Garland caught him fully and sent him tumbling back, since the Stop kept him unable to brace himself against it. He hit the ground awkwardly, his armor doing little to protect him when he fell. His head slammed painfully against the ground, and he nearly blacked out. By the time he had cleared his head and was attempting to get to his feet again, Mikoto was casting Night, and he collapsed once again, asleep.


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