Bran Bal, the Soulless Village

Aug 08, 2010 18:25

Characters: Mikoto, Warrior of Light, Firion, Refia, Edward, Locke, Rude, Genesis, Blank, Vivi, Rikku, Mjrn, Serah
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: The group crosses over into Terra.
Location: Bran Bal --> Bran Bal Underground
Date: August 1, 1804
Warnings: Violence
Notes: Additional information on this week's segment can be found here. The treasures listed on the FF Wiki page can be found in the ruins, albeit under rubble and lying on the ground, discards from the Genome flight four years ago.

The only thing remarkable about the desolation ahead that differentiated it from what lay behind was the marked increase of rubble. Something of note had once stood in this spot. Yet no more, as not one stone of one house stood atop another. Kuja's destruction of the world in his rage and despair had been complete after all, or so it must seem to the naked eye. If one squinted, it was almost possible to make out what might have once been a door, or something mangled that had once served as a table. Perhaps with a good memory and exceptional knowledge of how these ruins must have once been, it might have been possible to navigate them. But to say there had once been life in this place seemed impossible to grasp, so painfully silent and still it lay in the blue light of the world.

serah farron, locke cole, edward chris von muir, firion, vivi orunitia, mjrn, warrior of light, rikku, mikoto, blank, refia, genesis rhapsodos

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