The Meager (Open)

Jul 14, 2010 19:10

Characters: Ramza Beoulve & Whomever crosses his path.
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Traveling from Figaro to Lindblum in search of the stones, Ramza indulges himself with some sight-seeing.
Location: Lindblum
Date: July 14th, 1804
Warnings: N/A

Ramza roamed along the streets of Lindblum in silence, weary after venturing across the land by chocobo. He didn’t have enough money to afford a one way trip from Figaro to Lindblum, so once he reached Mysidia, Ramza had to rely upon chocobo for the rest of the journey. While his quest was quite arduous, Ramza didn’t mind it much. He preferred forging through reed and bush more so than spending his days toiling away under the domineering Figaro sun. South Figaro is a beautiful kingdom, but Ramza became bored of its horizon quite quickly. Not even Figaro’s endless beauty could keep him tethered there for long, thus he sought for Delita within the grand city of Lindblum.

After their brief discussion via skyphone, the sellsword decided it was time for them to meet. If the auracite is truly present within Gaia, this means that their search for it begins now. Ramza had hoped for Reis’ sake that they could find the zodiac stones in order to cure her curse but he figured it would be realistic to rely upon the aid of a shaman instead. Almost damning himself for wishing such ill to befall upon Gaia, Ramza hoped that he could collect the stones before others were lured by their celestial glow.

“Pardon me, sir, but do you know where---" His words were cut short once the passerby brushed him off. Letting out an indignant sigh, Ramza figured he could navigate his way through this enormous metropolis on his own. He gently pulled on the leather reins of his chocobo, guiding the bird through the crowded streets as he walked. The city was magnificent to behold, truly a splendorous feast for the eyes. Lindblum minded him vaguely of the Royal City of Lesalia.

delita heiral, ramza beoulve, kain highwind

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