(no subject)

May 25, 2010 02:11

Characters: Lulu, Yuna, and Tidus
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Finally some baby time after all the madness! Yuna wants to see her nephew, and Tidus needs some parenting lessons for the future.
Location: Luca
Date: May 1804, after they get back from the wedding.
Warnings: None yet?

After getting settled back in, Lulu figured it was time to get Vidina outside. She wanted him to get used to it being calm. He deserved as much, after everything that happened since they had gotten there. Grabbing a small blanket, Lulu set it down outside, in front of the house Tidus and Yuna shared. They were kind enough to let her stay there for now, but she knew that she couldn't stay there forever. It would be rude of her.

Taking up a spot on the blanket, she set Vidina down in front of her. Immediately, he was squirming. Lulu laughs quietly to herself. He was growing up so quickly, even in the month they had been here. Had it already been a month? While Vidina sat occupied by playing with his feet, Lulu watched, thinking how much he looked like his father.

tidus, yuna, lulu

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