Characters: Rinoa, Ultimecia
Progress: Complete
Summary: Ultimecia decides it's time to give Rinoa a little instruction in the art of sorcery...
Location: The world of dreams. Rinoa is in Costa Faguita, Ultimecia is in Narshe.
Date: May, 1804
Warnings: Creepiness
The days in Costa Faguita were long and hot. Unfortunately, so were the nights. Rinoa tossed and turned in her small bed in the Garden dormitories yet again. She might blame the weather, but she'd had trouble sleeping ever since the trouble in Narshe. Something made her afraid to sleep. Bad dreams that caused her to wake up pale and sweating, only she could never remember what she had been dreaming about.
Finally, after Rinoa had made a mess of tangled sheets in her restlessness, her eyes closed and her breathing became the gentle rhythm of sleep.
She dreamed of a castle. A great castle with spires that pierced the clouds, a place surrounded by foreboding night. Rinoa didn't want to go inside, but she had to. Unwilling feet stepped through gigantic doors into a grand entrance hall. It looked ancient, and neglected, dust covering cracked tiles, cobwebs hanging in dark corners and on broken chandeliers. There was a staircase. Rinoa began climbing. She wasn't afraid, not yet, just apprehensive. Something was drawing her up, to climb higher, reach the very tallest tower.
Then she stood before the entrance to another room: the throne room. Her skin prickled. Potent magic awaited inside. She could sense it like a promise: a power that she could wield... or a power that could be used against her. Rinoa was so, so afraid of what she was. She didn't want to look. She wanted to turn away and pretend that her power didn't exist.
But she was curious. She couldn't help that either. The room beckoned, curiosity fought fear, and curiosity won. She stepped through into the room, the door opening at her lightest touch, to find that she wasn't alone.