Desperate Measures

Apr 22, 2009 23:15

Characters: Laguna Loire
Progress: Complete
Summary: Desperate to get on his way home, Laguna resorts to desperate measures
Location: Galbadia Garden
Date: February 1st?
Warnings: n/a

Setting out towards the entrance of the Galbadia Garden, the mission to find his way to Lindelbum (or was it Lindblum?) his main priority, Laguna’s brilliant green eyes searched his surroundings for something - anything - that was the least teeny bit familiar. But no, nothing was coming to him. He had tried stopping a few people to ask for directions but from what he’d been told through the device that … Moomba in disguise had tossed at him, his best bet was finding a chocobo. Or sneaking aboard an airship. Knowing his luck, he’d land himself on one that was going in the opposite direction. With his arms and hands behind his head, Laguna walked around for a few moments longer, trying to weigh out the options. He couldn’t stand this! He had to get back to Winhill and Raine, he had to remember where he had put that damn box too. He still couldn’t believe he had lost it.

Laguna groaned, dragging a hand down his face. Stupid, stupid, stupid--!

Kicking at a rock, he hadn’t watched where he was kicking it but the surprised and pained shout was a good an answer as any. He tensed at the rising voice, eyes widening. He looked the ever guilty one, staring at the rather large woman who, just his luck, held a rolling pin in her hand. She looked like a baker of sorts with her messy apron, or … whatever she was wearing. His eyes went as wide as saucers as he saw the lady charging him; he was quick to turn tail and run. “I didn’t mean for it to hit you!” he shouted over a shoulder, weaving his way through the throngs of people. “H-hey!” he shouted, the rock connecting with the back of his head hard enough to startle him. "That hurt!"

He threw a look over his shoulder. She was waving her rolling pin around, shouting obscenities at him. And so very close to catching up!

Laguna kicked it up a notch, groaning in disbelief and frustration. First he lost his ring, and then he lost the box for which the ring was supposed to go into! And then now he was being chased by a really big lady with a mean throwing arm and he was in a different world.. time.. somewhere! Laguna hopped over crates, excusing himself each and every time he bumped into someone, even stopping (oh god why are you-) to help them up. Of course one incident nearly cost him his left eye, as his hunter had jabbed at his face with the end of her weapon of choice.

Just about out of breath, Laguna found himself coming up short on places to run and hide; he was damn well surprised enough as it was that this lady could keep up with him. But then he spotted it, the loading area, loading docks. Loading docks usually meant airship!

He was saved!

He was now one step closer to getting back home, to Raine and Ellone.

The ex-Galbadian Soldier made a beeline for the loading docks, sparing a quick look to the skies at the ships in the distance either having left or were on their way in. He hoped that the first ship he hopped aboard was the right one that would get him to Lindelbum. She was so close and so far away, her anchor already being pulled in as the ship herself was beginning to slip away from the docks. Although the ship wasn’t moving all that fast, Laguna was going to make the jump, as reckless as ever. He didn’t even think about it as he charged up the ramp, past the dock members unloading the crates off the ground, and onto the main platform. He kicked off just at the edge, the wind rushing past his face. His breath caught as he plunged suddenly, hand outstretched for the chain, his hair and jacket flapping rapidly around him. His hand slipped along the metal in his drop and he fought against the wind to bring in his other hand, grabbing the chain with both. He was successful, if not a little windblown, and clung to the chain for dear life, panting raggedly. One look to the dock and he saw the lady standing there, her chest heaving, her face red and her hair a mess.

Laguna gulped and began to pull himself up the chain, hurrying to make his way inside and out of the wind. He tried not to look down while he was at it, afraid that if he did, he would let go and drop.

Onwards, to Lindelbum!

laguna loire

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