Now is the Time to Break You

May 13, 2010 05:29

Characters: Quistis and Ultimecia
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Ultimecia does what she does best - really freak people out
Location: The realm of dream and imagination
Date: A couple days after Quistis is revived
Warnings: Creeeeeeepiness. It's Ulti.

Once the dragons had been done away with - pesky things, especially since she couldn't use her real force to simply rip them apart without giving away the power of one of Narshe's residents - Ultimecia had time to continue to plan. Larsa's efforts against the SeeDs were rewarding, certainly, but there had to be a way to divide them, doubt each other and themselves. If only...

The answer came only a day later, when that dratted tree had revived the one that had been killed. She'd raged about that briefly - people she'd done away with should stay gone - but had been struck with a sudden inspiration before the rage had gotten far.

It had taken another two days to let Garden get settled in their new position, to let the connection to Narshe ease - and when the time came, she was in a comfortable trance, ready to reach for the newly awakened mind that would still be coping with the changes her death had brought on her. She didn't bother to hide her identity this time. These... children had achieved Time Compression, had come forward and found the gate to her castle barred - they knew who she was. And, more importantly, they knew the horrors of Time Compression, the strangeness that was almost impossible to cope with. With her victim safely asleep, Ultimecia carefully reached one ephemeral finger forward and gently activated those memories, sliding them into her dreaming conscious with little resistance.

ultimecia, quistis trepe

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