Attack on the Kingdom of Sand

May 01, 2010 01:07

Characters: Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Ashe, Rasler, Locke, Celes
Progress: In-Progress
Summary: The Silver Dragons Attack Figaro
Location: Figaro and South Figaro
Date: May 1st
Warnings: Violence!

Terra stood on the edge of one of the long ledges that ran around the edge of Figaro Castle, her hands resting on the cool stone in front of her as she felt the first rays of the morning sun creeping over the horizon. She had only gotten back into Figaro the evening before, arriving on the last airship before the dock closed down until morning. She’d gotten a few hours sleep before she’d slipped out of her room and begun a walk around the castle.

There was just something so peaceful about the desert before dawn. No real animals to be seen, few plants, just the silence of the sand and the sun coming over the horizon. She let her eyes close, drawing in a breath and feeling the breeze rushing around her, tugging at her mass of green hair.

“Morning, Ma’am,” a tired voice tugged her eyes open, and she turned her head to smile at a passing guard, nodding in greeting though not saying anything. She recognized him, one of the guards she had gotten to know since she’d been able to visit Figaro without the Empire chasing after her. She wasn’t sure if he was a native of Figaro or one of the Gaians…it had never really occurred to her to ask.

The guard continued on his patrol down the rampart, and Terra turned her attention back to the sun. It was just creeping up over the edge of the world now…but something seemed…off. Not that anything could change the sun, of course, but there were shadows braced against it, small specks…but growing. Something was coming.

She narrowed her eyes and lifted a hand to try and ward off some of the encroaching light as she stared at the little dots. Growing…and quickly. And with each passing second there were more and more of them. After a minute, there were so many she could almost imagine them blocking out the sun itself. And now she could tell what they were.


“Soldier!” She turned, calling out to the guard who had passed a moment before. There was a certainty in her voice. Terra was often confused, lost, unsure of herself in the face of so many of life’s little puzzles. If this had been a boy at a dance she’d be panicking and uncertain; but on the battlefield…well…she knew what she was doing.

“Ma’am?” The guard turned and trotted back, his armor clanking. “What is it?”

“We’re about to be under attack,” she lifted one hand to point towards the mass of dragons…no, it was more a swarm at this point. “Quickly, go wake the king. And rouse the rest of the guard, we’ll probably need to evacuate the town.”

The guard had fallen silent when she’d brought his attention to the dragons, and now he was staring at them in shock. She couldn’t blame the man…it wasn’t something she’d ever seen before either. But he wasn’t acknowledging her order, so she reached out to slap his shoulder lightly.

“Soldier, do as I say!” She half-shouted, the easiest way to yank a soldier out of a daze, and he snapped to attention, nodding.

“Yes ma’am,” he was already two steps into following her instructions when he stopped and turned back to her. “What are you going to do?”

“I will try to buy you some time. Now go!” The guard turned and literally ran down the rampart at Terra’s command, and the half-esper turned her attention back to the dragons. It was hard to imagine how fast they were flying, but it was fast enough that she knew they only had minutes until the beasts arrived. This was going to be bad.

A moment or two of hesitation, trying to decide on her best option…frankly, she knew what her best option was, she just didn’t want to use it. And yet there wasn’t really a choice here, was there?

She reached up, gently easing the green and orange pendant out from beneath her shirt and wrapping her fingers around the gem. “Father…”

A brilliant flaring of light, and she felt more than heard the great esper Maduin appearing to settle on the edge of the rampart with her, twice as tall as she was, his brown-skinned body and long flowing hair gleaming in what remained of the light of the sun. She couldn’t help but stare at him, he had been so long since she’d seen him…she’d been too frightened to try and summon him. She wanted to throw her arms around him and hug him and yet was suddenly too shy to do so. But none of that mattered, he was here. And they had a job to do.

They didn’t speak, exchanging a long glance before they turned their attention to the dragons, so close now they were starting to block out the sky, a solid mass of wings and talons and death.

Terra closed her eyes, just for a moment, and felt her father placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. And then she let the transformation overtake her, her half-esper form enveloping her, long pink hair, bright pink fur, a slightly feral expression on her face. And yet she felt strangely calm, calmer than she had at any other time she had transformed since her arrival on Gaia.

“Now, father?” She turned to look up at him, and he nodded, and then the two of them took off into the air towards the dragons.

[OOC: Log for the people defending Figaro and South Figaro! Party style, thread hoping and new threads encouraged. For people waking up as the dragons attack, there will be some big flashy explosions in the sky as Terra and her Daddy try to fight them off, though many, many of them will be getting through.]

rasler heios nabradia, locke cole, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, celes chere, sabin rene figaro, terra branford, edgar figaro

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