No, it isn't I Want to be Your Canary.

Apr 12, 2010 01:36

Characters: Squall, Quistis, Cloud, and Lightning (+1 Ninja World Leader)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: the clouds gather, a squall descends, and lightning flashes Cloud wants to open up communications with Garden. Garden could, of course, use the business.
Location: G Garden
Date: Just before heading to Figaro 8| idk when that was?
Warnings: Storm of :|

Squall Leonhart, Commander of Garden, stood very much like the proud figure he was, stance as relaxed as it ever could be at Galbadia Garden's entrance. He wasn't a particularly imposing sort, not exactly. Youth had a way of belying the little things. And, at the very least, he could make it a point of meeting Cloud Strife half way in this matter.

They were going to need connections.

Not just people, but organizations, companies, people who could help provide information and income. Cloud's rag-tag group, if this was successful, would perhaps be a little less competition, so to speak. Either it he sliced it, Squall figured that it was a better benefit than anything else.

However, he didn't expect to be able to manage all the smaller details on his own. It was going to be a complicated matter in and of itself.

He just better be as on time as he says he's going to be...

lightning farron, squall leonhart, quistis trepe, cloud strife, yuffie kisaragi

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