[Thread, OPEN]

Apr 10, 2010 23:42

Characters: Rinoa, OPEN
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Galbadia Garden visits Figaro. This log is open to all Garden and Figaro folks! Feel free to start new subthreads, threadhop etc.
Location: Figaro
Date: April, 1804
Warnings: None

Hanging out in Figaro. )

irvine kinneas, rinoa heartilly, locke cole, cecil harvey, quistis trepe, mjrn

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herownhero April 13 2010, 03:26:46 UTC
Quistis wasn't quite sure if there were any reasons for Garden's relocation to Figaro other than Rinoa's desire to see the city, but the blond wasn't opposed to the change of scenery-- her last trip to the particular location left her little time to actually explore her surroundings due to more pressing matters in the form of a severely injured Commander. Unlike Rinoa and Selphie who seemed to already have acquaintances in Figaro, Quistis wasn't familiar with any of the inhabitants, though that didn't deter her from venturing into town on her own ( ... )


livelyangel April 13 2010, 15:05:45 UTC
When she made her way back to Garden, she would find Rinoa sitting with Angelo outside the front entrance, looking thoughtful. Rinoa was enjoying the new scenery, even if it was a little too hot. She couldn't help but reflect that the Squall she knew would have taken her out here. She'd seen a lovely little cafe that would have been just perfect for a date.


herownhero April 13 2010, 15:16:26 UTC
Spotting Rinoa near the entrance, Quistis paused for a moment, briefly contemplating whether she should interrupt her friend from her thoughts. It had been a while since she'd sat down and talked with the brunette though, and judging by the contemplative expression she wore, Quistis thought maybe she could lend an ear. Walking over to where Rinoa sat, she gave Angelo a light pat on the head as she made her presence known.

"Hi, Rinoa. How are you?"


livelyangel April 13 2010, 15:33:33 UTC
Rinoa looked up and smiled. "Hey, Quistis. I'm a bit tired. End of the day, you know." She thought for a moment. "How old are you?"


herownhero April 13 2010, 15:35:10 UTC
The question surprised her-- Quistis was sure that everyone in the group was aware of her age. Tilting her head slightly, she took a seat beside Rinoa before answering.

"I'm eighteen. Why?"


livelyangel April 13 2010, 15:39:18 UTC
"I'm twenty." Rinoa leaned forward, wrapping her arms around her knees. "You guys make me feel so old."


herownhero April 13 2010, 15:44:52 UTC
"Twenty?" The piece of information took a moment to sink it. Did that mean that Rinoa was from the future? The revelation made her think-- so if she was from a time past her own... what's changed? What was the future like? She was tempted to ask these questions, but a part of her held them back-- she wasn't so sure she wanted to know the future she hadn't experienced yet.

"I've felt like I was thirty since I was seventeen." Quistis tried to joke with a smile. Several moments passed, before she tried another attempt to comfort her friend. "Come on, Rinoa-- you're more lively that the rest of us. Age is nothing but a number."


livelyangel April 13 2010, 21:56:39 UTC
Rinoa smiled at the joke, but Quistis' attempt at comfort didn't really help. "I know that... It's not that, not really. It's me being ahead of you guys. Especially Squall. I thought it would be okay, that I was happy just having him back, and I am. I know it's not gonna happen quickly, but part of me wonders if things are too different... Can you repeat history? Does it even matter? If I'm from a time when Squall and me are together, when we're all back home and happy, then is that what I'd go back home to? Will we forget everything that happened here?"

She paused, and Angelo whined softly, sensing her mistress' mood. Rinoa hadn't dwelt much on any of this, but now it seemed to all tumble out of her.


herownhero April 13 2010, 22:05:46 UTC
Quistis listened to Rinoa's concerns in silence, letting the other girl finish voicing her thoughts before mulling over her words. She had a similar conversation with Gabranth before, specifically the worry of their memories being lost once they returned, but Rinoa and Squall were an entirely different situation-- they would have each other if and when they returned back home.

"I'm not sure if we'll keep our memories, Rinoa." Quistis spoke softly, her hands folding on her lap. "But Squall's feelings for you-- they're in there, somewhere. Even if it might take a while for them to emerge here, he fell in love with you in his future-- and he will again."


livelyangel April 13 2010, 22:14:27 UTC
Rinoa sighed. "Yeah. Lightning striking twice..."

She shifted over to lean against her friend's shoulder. Quistis wasn't particularly demonstrative, but Rinoa didn't think she'd mind. At least, the Quistis she knew wouldn't. It was one of those confusing things again. Years blurred together - how different was the eighteen-year old Quistis to the one she knew? Probably not that much, but when time passed normally, you didn't tend to notice those changes...

"It's just weird to think that it might be all for nothing. All the friends we've made, all the amazing places we've seen..."


herownhero April 13 2010, 22:20:50 UTC
Quistis was a bit surprised as Rinoa leaned against her-- not that she particularly minded, but admittedly she and Rinoa had never been all that close. She had always considered the raven-haired girl to be better friends with Selphie, but the action caused for a small smile to lift the corners of her lips-- it was nice to finally have someone seek comfort in her presence.

"I know. I've thought about this before." There was a small sigh as her fingers played with a couple blades of grass she had plucked from the patch they sat by. "But we might as well enjoy our experience here while we can, right? Even if we do forget it all, at least we're living in the moment now."


livelyangel April 13 2010, 22:40:43 UTC
Rinoa and Selphie were best buddies, but Rinoa respected Quistis for her maturity and sound advice. The comfort that Quistis offered felt warm and solid and practical - Rinoa still felt like Quistis was older, even though she wasn't.

"Yeah." She nodded. "That's what I'm doing, for sure. I just wish things were easier... I saw a mirage in the desert earlier. It looked like the flower field Squall and I made our promise in. Then I remembered that Squall hasn't seen that yet. He doesn't know we made a promise..."


herownhero April 13 2010, 22:50:42 UTC
"You did?" The piece of information quipped her interests. "Strange... I thought I saw a mirage as I was walking through Figaro. I saw something that looked like Edea's Orphanage, but it was gone in an instant." She furrowed her brows. What could this mean?

Quistis reached up to stroke Rinoa's hair, hoping that the simple action would sooth her friend somewhat. "I have a feeling nothing on Gaia is meant to be easy... but you're strong. We all are. We'll get through this all alright. He might not know about the flower field now, but one day he will-- and he'll know the importance of it. All that matters is that Squall made that promise once upon a time, and he'll make it again."


livelyangel April 13 2010, 23:03:18 UTC
The gesture did help. Rinoa felt the tension in her shoulders loosen. "You're right. Of course you're right." She shook her head, looking at Quistis. "You saw the orphanage? Really?"


herownhero April 13 2010, 23:16:49 UTC
"Well, it looked like the orphanage. But like I said, it was gone when I tried to look again. Probably my mind playing tricks on me..." But it was strange that Rinoa seemed to be seeing things as well-- did Gaia have something up its sleeve?


livelyangel April 13 2010, 23:25:16 UTC
Rinoa sat up straighter, intrigued. "But it couldn't have been a mirage, not in Figaro. Maybe it was just your mind playing tricks..."


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