Do you remember standing on a broken field

Apr 04, 2010 01:41

Characters: Sephiroth, Genesis, Zack, Vincent Valentine, Angeal
Progress: Incomplete
Summary: Various people trying to knock some sense into the dear General.
Location: Pirate's Lair
Date: April
Warnings: Grown men acting childish, a fire spell applied directly to the face~

We cannot linger on this stunted view )

angeal hewley, zack fair, genesis rhapsodos, sephiroth, vincent valentine

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madeofhonour April 6 2010, 20:00:42 UTC
And then enough was enough. A light conversation and a few splashes were alright, all things considered, but bickering and the starting actions of a fight? Oh no. Not after what happened. Angeal had been out and about, surveying the island when he heard shouting and the quiet replies. He breezed past Vincent, since he obviously had nothing to do with the bickering, nudging him back just a little bit to pass by and make a beeline to Zack ( ... )


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madeofhonour April 6 2010, 20:53:25 UTC
It was a quick hand to Genesis arm as he stormed off, pulling him back. "And you think you'll be helping him by leaving? I'm not aware of what you've done here to keep him from doing what he does in our world but I know for certain getting frustrated and walking off won't help anyone."

He wanted to shout to get his point across but if he did then maybe Genesis wouldn't see he, like Sephiroth, was running from his problems too. "You don't have to sit but I'm asking that you don't leave."


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madeofhonour April 6 2010, 21:25:35 UTC
Stumbling back from the blast, he hurried to pat out the little flames and brush the soot off. And it was a bitter and hurt look he donned after as he watched Genesis walk off.

He glanced over to Sephiroth in his peripheral. "And?" Angeal sighed. "Is he right? Would you rather be left alone?"


sixth_sefira April 6 2010, 22:26:32 UTC
Sephiroth pulled his attention from the departing duo to Angeal, sighing quietly. "Ye-" He cut the answer off, looking away from the other man, eyes falling to rest on the wood beneath them. "No...I don't know anymore."

Lifting his gaze he looked off in the direction Genesis and the creature had gone, voice quieter than before, faint subtle uncertainty lacing the words spoken. "Sometimes..I think it would be safer for everyone if I left.."


madeofhonour April 6 2010, 22:49:16 UTC
While Angeal no longer had the same resolve to talk to much of anyone now, Sephiroth was his friend. And he needed to talk to someone. He was upset, that much was obvious, even when he didn't speak. Dull blues looked with sympathy over to the younger as he spoke.

"Whatever it is you're fighting; your 'destiny'," it almost sounded like a question as he walked to the end of the dock, arms crossed, as Angeal looked over the ocean. "you can fight it. You're not that weak to let something from another time and world affect you somewhere new. Your slate isn't clean anymore but that doesn't mean you can't be the real Sephiroth. The man you're supposed to be."


firstclassdream April 6 2010, 23:09:31 UTC
Zack's head was starting to hurt from Genesis and Sephiroth's fighting. Now he could see why Sephiroth wanted to leave, Genesis was acting like a damn kid. When Angeal walked over Zack wasn't sure what to say, seeing as how the man was dead where he was from. Before he could even manage a greeting he was forced to sit down like a kid in timeout. Just like Angeal, even now treating him like a kid.

He sat there and watched the fighting continue until Genesis cast Fire on Angeal. "What the hell?!" It was a good thing Genesis left or else Zack may have thrown the other man into the water, blind or not. Well, he wasn't here for Genesis, so to heck with the other man and he turned his attention back to Sephiroth and Angeal.

"He's right, ya know. If anyone can fight something it's you, Seph." Zack let the nickname slip for the first time since he got to Gaia. "Half the people calling you a monster never really knew you, they knew that...thing. And I know that isn't you. No way, no how."


sixth_sefira April 7 2010, 00:06:51 UTC
Some of the tension left Sephiroth's shoulders, the wing folding back against the right shoulder as another soft sigh escaped. "Thank you...both of you." he had no delusions that he was quite out of the woods so to speak just yet, but the support was good to have regardless and gave one hope that there might possibly be a way out.

"If you three will excuse me for now, I think I should go talk with Genesis. Angeal, can likely find you some drier clothes if you want to change out of those wet ones, Zack." Turning away from the trio on the docks, he headed toward the direction Genesis went.


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