Ice hurts...

Mar 16, 2010 20:48

Characters: Squall, the SeeDs, idk Open?
Progress: Incomplete
Summary: Squall shows up again. Injured. People are to the rescue!
Location: Figaro to start.
Date: March 16th
Warnings: Blood. :| Angst.

[Somewhere along the way, Squall was counting off not only his breaths, but oddly the little facts of blood loss as a whole. He's pretty sure the ice is going to be an issue, but he can't really get his mind to focus on the outside of that fact that it was wet, it was cold in spite of the terrain, and it hurt. Too much distracting, and he'd lose it.

Dying was the last thing Squall wanted. The very last thing-- that subconscious fear, of people talking about him as if he were gone, hadn't mattered.

Far from the truth, of course.

He was vaguely aware of something going on in his field of vision, and far-off sound, the fact that his arm felt dead... And that was about it.]

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