Characters: Rydia (Open to any at Madain Sari)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Summoner gathering and meeting Anima's fayth
Location: Eidolon Wall, Madain Sari
Date: Feb. 1804
Warnings: None.
Upon touching down near Madain Sari, Rydia stepped away from the crystals that guided the Lunar Whale, and headed for the exit. She paused by it and smiled at everyone who had decided to join her. That she would have gone alone went without saying; as a summoner, it was her duty. Still, all this company was definitely welcome. The gathered summoners, even the one who had recently arrived, really did feel like an extended family. For one who had lost hers years ago, it was a powerful thing.
"Well, this is it! The Eidolon Wall isn't far." Rydia had explained the situation as best she could, earlier; that the fayth of Anima had visited her and stated to have news. Beyond that, she was as ignorant as them. Well, now was the time for answers.
The green-haired summoner exited the airship and headed into the ruins of Madain Sari, once a thriving Summoner town. Her smile faded, expression growing solemn as she took a fairly straightforward approach, merely intending to reach the Wall before considering any other action.
Rydia paused outside the Eidolon Wall and stood in silence for a moment. After all that maneuvering, after detours and issues galore, she was there once again. She bowed her head respectfully, then stepped forward into the sacred area.