[thread; closed]

Feb 18, 2010 00:20

Characters: Basch, Balthier and Fran (if she wants)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Basch needs a ride.
Location: Zanarkand and the Strahl
Date: February 1804
Warnings: Balthier gets a warning all his own.

The trip had been pretty smooth but Balthier had driven pretty much like a bat out of Hell. Not that he didn't always, of course. Once the Strahl hovered in a safe place, the pirate made his way down the anchor chain and started on his way through the ruins of Zanarkand.

It wasn't a nice place, and there were what seemed like ghosts, but Balthier didn't bat an eyelash. It was likely the same thing the Mist did back home by copying images of the people who had passed through. It wasn't at all frightening, really, just best not to think about it really. Especially when there were more pressing matters at hand. He'd sooner deal with those before the ghosts here, thanks.

Striding along and ruined pathways, Balthier made sure not to step on anything that might hurt his feet. "Basch?" Where in the world was the Captain?

balthier, fran

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