"true joy is in progress"

Jan 03, 2011 03:20

I've heard friends in the know say "well I'm 30 now, time to get my shit together" although this is fine and dandy- I'm going to attempt to cover this at the young age of 26. I cannot say it enough right now... I have GOT to figure out my life. And please! Give me advice!!! I want it! I want to write it down in my little book and sleep with it under my head. I want suggestions as silly as" to "always eat sugar snap peas on Tuesdays" to "never date a man whose mother calls more than three times a week" I want it all the good, the bad- the ridiculous.

This year was ok. Not great- but ok. This year is my year of missed opportunity, of failure in some regard. This was the year that I compromised my standards to fit into a box... this is not happening again. I didn't spend an inordinate amount of time on the phone sobbing to friends, but when I did *whew* was it ever annoying. But they always supported me, and loved me, and helped me through. For that I am ever grateful and thankful to the universe that I have friends like that. If I never have the chance to repeat it, thank you for being here, there and on the other end of the phone it means a lot, and if we haven't talked in years, or haven't seen each other in a longer amount of time, please let's get back in contact.

Soon I'll write an explanation of each resolution: Including looking at it in the harsh light of day and asking if it's a valid life goal for the next year. Plus explaining why I think it is something I should aspire to. I hope that most of these are interesting enough to keep me on the path towards something fun, but I also want to keep it flexible enough to change if need be.

My hope is that I can blog about these experiences as well (which would count towards one of my goals, aaaah dovetailing interests)- not only to hopefully inspire my next year's goals in the same way, but to also have a record of all the accomplishments, challenges, and friends offering long distance hugs along the way.

New Year's Resolutions:

Train for a 5k.
Run 5k race.
Train for a 10k.
RUN a 10k race.
Write more asshole, write more!
BLOG again (see above).
Draw, doodle, sharpen pencils- repeat.
Ask for help more often.
Knit ONE project from the magazine your brother's awesome girlfriend just got you a years subscription.
Rock out a frivolous nail colour once a month (January is covered with my awesome Zebra print nails)
Get control of your finances (*headdesk*)
Read a book a week.
Listen to a book every month. (that shit takes TIME)
Learn how to play nice.
It's called a bed time- find it.
Sit outside for 30 mins in silence once a week.
Eat breakfast.
Write more letters to people.
Metadata baby, manage it!

On the maybe list:
New Job
Trying to give "relationships" another chance (dating, I mean dating).
New City

As Peter Cline use to say before the History Exams of Doom "Bon courage darlings, bon courage" 

life, 3am post, 2011 goals, 2011

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