May 13, 2010 23:51
The post below is from a few days ago... maybe like 3 weeks.. I still hate my job at times.. and sometimes for the reasons listed below.. but right now.. I'm just gonna coast at work... Everything listed is still valid.. just not as valid right now.
Some days- I super hate my job. I mean don't get me wrong, it's not all of it.. Its bits and pieces that drive me nutty. It surprises people to know that for how liberal and hug it out I operate I am actually one super officious person. I like order, I like rules, I like patterns... because then when I break them (and I ~will~ break them) I enjoy knowing JUST how far off reservation I've stepped. I love having hard fast rules, it is always comforting to me.
Which is why work right now is such a frack up. I am unhappy. I am an unhappy unhappy worker. 90% of the time I'm fine, I'm happy and I do what's asked with out issue. But for 10% of my time, I am grumptacular. There is a lack of respect that is driving me insane.
Things I hate:
1. I am the ONLY woman on my side of the house
It is also one of the most hetero-normative departments on campus.
2. The department is not supporting in any way for my Masters Degree
I'm taking vacation days off for my summer institutes.
3. They aren't offering me any opportunity to develop my skills within my job.
3. They recently moved someone OFF the Help Desk to a more behind the scenes position.
My concern is that my other co worker and I are in similar live positions. We don't have children, we don't have spouses or significant others. Added with the unspoken "rules" of the Help Desk (don't be late, don't miss the days you're to work,) it doesn't make it "family, kid friendly" To me: this is a devaluing of our life situations. Now this coworker has been taken off the Desk completely (on an "as needed" schedule).