Jun 13, 2008 00:51
I'm not working for Heather anymore. I quit. Or was let go. However it happened.. it happened.. And I am so fucking happy for it. The day that turned out to be my last day I didn't want to get out of bed.. I was sad and angry that I had to go to this job that I detest. I finally dragged my sorry ass out of bed, showered, and went to work. The next day I woke up at 8.30 am. And I wanted to get out of bed. I wanted to see what the world had to offer me. And this is how I've approached this week off. I've done an entire week of crafting, making earrings, making messes, cooking, baking, making useless shit.
So I'm looking for a job, pref here in Cleveland or near it. I want to stick it out a little longer.. However, I am willing to be wooed away from the north mid-west.. if the offer is enticing enough.
I have an interview on monday. and im working the wall tomorrow.. i just need to find a way to make money.. then ill be set
heres to life baby