Impossible, Irrepressible, Incorrigible
The three I's to describe your friendly neighborhood Captain Jack Harkness of 69 Memory Lane, Milieux. A couple months ago I did a brief
Warning Label for Jack and I figured that with all our lovely new people coming in, *Waves and glomps yay!* I'd do a quick update!
So, I now LJ cut as there will be spoilers for Torchwood behind the jump. :D
Okay so first off, Jack in Milieux comes from post Torchwood Season One and Doctor Who Season Three. In deference to the Doctor Master currently in play, it's been written that the Doctor fiddled with Jack's memories so he doesn't know the Master is the Master but otherwise he has all the experiences of those two canons under his belt.
As in canon, Jack is here in Milieux with Ianto Jones (also played by yours truly) and the two are quietly running a mini Torchwood from a secret lair set up beneath the house at 69 Memory Lane. At least, they're trying to be quiet but what with Weevils running around occasionally they're having a hard time keeping things quiet. ;) They are also together, sharing a sexual relationship, though heaven knows this hasn't slowed Jack down much. *g*
Now in an effort to keep this from being TL;DR . . .
Jack is still very much a flirt. He's also occasionally has no respect for the concept of personal boundries and tends to purposefully making himself larger than life. He enjoys keeping people a little off center either because it might amuse him to do so or it suits his immediate purposes.
That said *I* don't want to make anyone uncomfortable from a player stand point so if Jack gets to be a bit too much by all means, please drop me an e-mail or an IM with a quick swat upside the back of the head. I can be caught at [Seregill At AOL Dot Com] and also on AIM [FHJamesWilson].
One little addition to the flirting/casual sex thing with Jack. He does have one wee line he doesn't go across and that is with the students. If a character is a student, he's not going to be after them with genuine intent but you can ask Meg, he's sort of the big brother you have to love but at the same time want to kill when he's terrorizing your boyfriend. ;)
Okay, any questions?