I'm in your Internet, Screwing with your childhood

Jul 08, 2008 14:27

After playing KHII, I rekindled my love of Disney movies. I've been watching them non-stop, and eventually got around to reading some of the original versions.

Oh my God. 0_o Walt had one of the most creative minds ever, to turn such gruesome stories into the movies we know and love.

I'll list some of the real stories right here. Be warned, if you ( Read more... )


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redlotusnin July 9 2008, 20:24:48 UTC

Ah yes... Fairytales... how gruesome...

I totally knew about the Cinderella one. Apparently my sister liked to torture my mind when I was little.

I never knew about the Sleeping Beauty one though... ha ha.


time_warp_14 July 9 2008, 21:49:18 UTC
Sex Pistols kick ass! 8D We must have a musicgasam about bands we like. If you have heard of the song 'Cherry Pie' you have already won.

The Grimm Brothers were truly wonderfuly twisted people.

I didn't so I was so creeped out. 0_o I knew a couple of fairytales were twisted, but not to that extent.

Schadenfreude-ish much? XD


redlotusnin July 14 2008, 01:21:11 UTC

Lol. I was creeped out too...


time_warp_14 July 14 2008, 17:18:46 UTC
Huh, what? :)

Disney people are masterminds when it comes to changing things completely but still making it a good story.


redlotusnin July 14 2008, 18:22:06 UTC
Cherry Pie by Poison? Lol. x3

It is weird knowing how much they changed it... but I think its a change for the better. Creepy fairy tales like that are more suited to Tim Burton than the Disney Corporation.


time_warp_14 July 14 2008, 23:00:52 UTC
Oh, yeah *stupid*. But yes that's it!! Your hand in marriage now yes? :D *holds out ring with plastic on it*

I'd pay to see Tim Burton recreate all of them. So much. It was a good move though. Can you imagine a little kid watching the original Sleeping Beauty? XD

Kid:Mommy why is the prince hugging Sleeping Beauty so hard while she's asleep?

Mom: 0_o ...Let's just go watch some Bluth movies alright?


redlotusnin July 15 2008, 06:50:20 UTC
Oh my--!! How unexpected!! Yes, I do!! *squeal*

That would be interesting. :3 I would definitely watch it.

Yes. Hugging. o_o


time_warp_14 July 15 2008, 17:03:02 UTC
Yeah! :DDD Wait, who pays for the wedding? And maybe we can have it in Hawaii, since the age of consent is only 14!

And then Johnny Dept would play the role of the prince because he almost always is with Tim Burton. :) *sage nod*

Well of course! He's just rocking back and forth, and sweating because he's really trying to get into the hug. Duh! ;)


redlotusnin July 15 2008, 19:31:15 UTC
Only Hawaii? In that case, it won't work. We're both girls. We'd have to get married in California. D: Nooo...

I don't want to imagine Johnny raping anyone. Except me of course, but that wouldn't be rape since it'd be consensual.

"Why is he grunting so much?!" D:


time_warp_14 July 15 2008, 20:00:02 UTC
I think it's 16 in California. So not too long! :D Well for you. >_> We'll have more time to plan the wedding then.

But I want to be not-raped by Johnny too. :(

Clearly he's frustrated that she's not hugging him back. That's why he's moaning as well. In agony.

By the way, how do you cross out lines like you did?


redlotusnin July 17 2008, 18:47:10 UTC
Hehe. You're little. Hehe.

:( Johnny~

"Clearly". Lol.

Moaning. In agony. Right.

< del > < /del>

That be how.

Only, you know, without the spaces of course.

Try it out. :P


time_warp_14 July 17 2008, 19:17:22 UTC
Am not! D: I'm merely petite my dear. I can be your trophy wife in your mid-life crisis.

I think almost every woman in the world has wanted to rape Johnny at some point. Poor thing. :(

He clearly wants to be loved by rapeing dead women. What a hero.


redlotusnin July 21 2008, 03:02:49 UTC
Lol. YES.

Everyone loves Johnny. :)


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