Kingdom Hearts II

Jul 01, 2008 00:31

Man that game was long. I think I turned into a hermit for the last two weeks. And most of it was just cutscenes.

The game was interesting to say the least. The graphics were alot better than KHI, Sora actually had expressions now.

I was so confused for the first couple of hours. XD I kept thinking "Who the hell is this Roxas, and where's Sora?". Then I cheated and looked on Wikipedia to see who he was.

I fell in love with the Pride Lands. Everyone looked so cute in their animal forms. :) And I completly spazzed when I was in Port Royal and Halloween Town.  I was all like 'ZOMG IT'S CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW AND FREAKIN JACK SKELETON!!!111ftw1111!!!.' My mom thought I had gone insane.

I wish Kairi had been in it more though. :( She's supposed to be a main character but she barley gets to show up. And her keyblade was ugly as hell. -__- Seriously, she should have bitchslapped Riku with it, that thing shouldn't have even been considered a keyblade. Why couldn't she just have borrowed one of Sora's, he got like, a crapzillion amount of them through out the game?

And I swear, if I ever hear the phrase "Get up on the Hydra's back!" ever again I'll throtle someone.  We get it the first time Phil, you don't need to say it eleven more freakin times!

All in all I really enjoyed the game, even though I hated killing the Organization's members. I felt so sorry for them through the game. And they never really did anything did they? For such huge antagonists, all their damage was pretty minor. It was enough for Sora to step in  but not enough to become a top priority.

Maybe I'm just stupid and missed something. I don't know.

And I totally miss Axel. ;__;  He was actually somewhat interesting, and then he had to go and die like that. His last line killed me. I was caught between getting teary and going "...So the AxelxRoxas fans do have some justification there, okay then."

The ending was so tooth rotteningly sweet. It was awesome, then Roxas and Namine showed up and I was grinning like an idoit.

Later, my friend came over and she showed me the preview for the next game, Birth by Sleep (or something like that). I didn't take it very seriously though. All that I could think of to say was "Dude, it's Batman with a keyblade, who are these people?"  ...I sort of want to play it now though. >_>

Now that I have finally finished, I shall sleep. :) And then go watch CoM cutscenes on YouTube in the morning (seeing as I don't have a gameboy and all).


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