Dec 17, 2005 00:00
so, lets see, its been awhile. im totally over that brown deferral by now, andso now all i need to do is get my other apps in shape and then wait til april. break, oh my god, break, ive been waiting for this break since before thanksgiving, which was a shitty break. everything that has been making me restless and unfocused i finally get to reach. haircut, friends, holidays, the city, berkeley, movies, college returners, cacti, email, taffy, desserts, new years, christmas trees, hamlet, siddhartha, mystery gifts, music, christmas lights. love and happiness. if this break doesnt rock hard im going to hurt someone, probably gregor. oh i went all teacher on these kids at coldstone, gregor was trying to see who was part of this group, and i was like, okay, guys, raise you hand if the coach is paying for you, in a stern voice and stuff, and they obeyed, it was hella cool, as ashley archibald might say. i am so wound up, i got good email. wow, i need to calm down time 1,000,000. so, love, lots and lots and lots of love to everybody, lola.