[ → ] SIXTH

Dec 22, 2007 06:08

Y'know ghosts are ghosts for a reason; 'cause they died. Couldn't they like stay dead and not randomly visit?

And Ky really is gone, huh. Well, no doubt I'll be able to bug him again soon enough ♥ Not like he's hard to miss or anything. Hope he's okay.

Christmas sure as hell decided to sneak up fast. Good thing I'm all done! OhbollocksI'vedonenothing!Icanturnthisaroundthere'sthreedaystospare!It'llbefine!

Ahem! SO! Who fancies going to see that Nutcracker thing? Hmm~?

[ooc; Mean ghosts of girlfriend's grannies need to die in a fire... Again :| Axl wants to take Megumi and the kidlets to the show~ Plz to be going? :D!]

post curse, do not waaaant, fail!, ky, last minute christmas shopping, the nutcracker, kidlets, megumi, bollocks!, bloody grannies

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