whatever happened to the golden ball?

Aug 17, 2004 16:36

so. a brief summation:

- on my birthday i got hit in the eye with an apple and fell asleep on AD. it was only saved by a visit to a ruined abbey and a gift of cds and chocolate, but it was enough.

- ariel and i "win the prize" for not drinking at all. frankly i didn't want to talk to some of those kids sober, let alone drunk when i might accidentally say something i meant.

- it took me a while to figure out how to spell edinburgh; much longer than it took to figure out that i loved everything about it.

- several amusing things: amelia, lili, matt's reaction to bees and his indie-dancing at the however-you-spell-it dance, the adventures of the hard rain kids comic.

i should feel like i'm returning to something but i really don't. it'll take a while to get used to the lack of humidity and to the lack of stone-built spires, but not as long as it will take to adjust to not so much the end of an era but to the era moving forward and leaving me behind.

i think that a lot is lost because people envelope themselves in the dramatic and superficial and miss the times that could actually be called "having a moment". a line, a group of kids and weezer, "on christmas eve", a witty three-line exchange, a cup of tea.

it makes me happy to have emotion and to make it stay. thank you tom robbins.
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