September MYTHIC DELIRIUM features from Ogawa, Rath, Yolen now live online

Sep 01, 2016 13:51

The featured story and featured poems from the electronic pages of Mythic Delirium 3.1 have gone live for the month of September, meaning the entire issue is now free for all to read.

Our newest features are:
• "Left Behind," a wonderful science fiction/magical realism/mythology mashup from Yukimi Ogawa.

• Kavitha Rath's "Morgan Le Fay at the Downtown Mall," a dark mediation on magic and myth in the modern age.

• "Rusalka" by Jane Yolen, an uncompromising meditation on a folk tale's implications.

You can purchase the complete issue for your electronic reading devices for $2.99 at Amazon (click here) or at Weightless Books (click here).

The October-December issue is coming together, and it's truly special, with first fiction publications from Andrew Gilstrap and Chris Reinhardt, an old-fashioned Nelson Bond-style story-in-verse from TJ Radcliffe, new poetry from Jeannine Hall Gailey, Gwynne Garfinkle, Lore Graham, Sandi Leibowitz and Mari Ness, and wildly surreal cover art from Bill Rutherfoord.

To read the next issue before everyone else gets to see it, subscribe (click here) on the Mythic Delirium Books website. Subscriptions are also available at Weightless Books.

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