The spring issue of MYTHIC DELIRIUM is here!

Apr 04, 2016 08:46

The April-May-June 2016 issue of Mythic Delirium (click to view)celebrates spring with three stories of fey strangeness from three writers new to the pages of our magazine. Roshani Chokshi reveals the fate of those who seek the fox feast, Amy Aderman offers a bright take on an inescapable curse, and Alisa Alering (an alumna of Clockwork Phoenix 4) spins an ekphrastic tale of preternatural sisters.

Our poems this time come from Theodora Goss, Virginia M. Mohlere, Sandi Leibowitz, Carina Bissett, Danial Ausema, and A.J. Odasso, with meditations on the perilous magic inherent in bears, swans, sharks, and other animal forms, and explorations of aerial biology and genetic identity.

Our evocative cover photograph comes from Gary Every, making his debut as a cover artist for us after many appearances as a poet over our 16-year history.

We hope you enjoy this otherworldly spring bloom. Chokshi’s story and Goss’s and Mohlere’s poems are live on the website for April.

Table of Contents

Featured in April
A Trade at the Fox Wedding • Roshani Chokshi
The Bear’s Wife • Theodora Goss
Daily Office • Virginia M Mohlere

Featured in May
The Muse • Amy Aderman
One-Winged • Sandi Leibowitz
Swimming with the Shark Boys • Carina Bissett

Featured in June
We Will Hold • Alisa Alering
Beings of Air • Daniel Ausema
XX/XY • A.J. Odasso

Click here to read our featured story and poems for April. To read the complete issue without having to wait for the next features to go live, purchase it at Amazon or at Weightless Books, or subscribe, either at Weightless Books, or right here on the Mythic Delirium Books website.


Originally published at Mythic Delirium Books. You can comment here or there.

featured poems, featured stories, mythic delirium

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