Two promotions: UNSEAMING and BONE SWANS

Jun 21, 2015 16:13

Promotion one: My Shirley Jackson Award-nominated horror story collection Unseaming is the featured book today at Kindle Books and Tips. Coinciding with this, the ebook is available on Kindle, discounted from $5.99 to 99¢, till Tuesday. Check out the promotion here:

Promotion two: There’s just six days left to sign up for a chance to win one of the remaining ARCs of C.S.E. Cooney’s debut fantasy collection Bone Swans. Check out the Goodreads giveaway here:

We, as in Anita and I and Claire, will have paperback copies of both books to sell, sign and read from at Readercon, which is less than three weeks away now!


Originally published at Mythic Delirium Books. You can comment here or there.

appearances, bone swans, signal boosts

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