My latest Tour of the Abattoir at TALES TO TERRIFY: Ligotti and Llewellyn

Oct 12, 2014 19:08

I must sheepishly confess, in the whirlwind of the past two months, I missed this when it actually appeared online: my latest “Tour of the Abattoir” column is up at horror podcast Tales to Terrify. In this installment I look at short story collections by Thomas Ligotti (new book The Spectral Link) and Livia Llewellyn (Engines of Desire, a 2011 Shirley Jackson Award nominee that I’ve just recently read and hugely enjoyed.) Click here to have a listen.

This column has melancholy associations; it was completed the day that Tales to Terrify editor Lawrence Santoro died. I will miss working with him. The site has posted parts one and two of a three part tribute to a man who deserves many, many more.

Larry, who worked in theater, would be the first to say that the show should go on. Tales to Terrify is looking for a new host: interested parties take note!


Originally published at DESCENT INTO LIGHT: Mike Allen’s Home Page. You can comment here or there.

audio, tour of the abattoir

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