I’ve begun the process of changing Mythic Delirium from a print ‘zine to an e-zine. I received this touching note today from a longtime subscriber.
Been reading since Issue 6 - I will miss you! (I don’t have a computer.) Thanks and best of luck in the future.
Issue 6 came out in 2002, and featured several creative and off-kilter poems by Ian Watson and David C. Kopaska-Merkel, as well as one of the last poems by the late Keith Allen Daniels to see print and a poem by Sonya Taaffe, “Sedna,” that’s still one of my favorites. At that time we were officially part of DNA Publications - Weird Tales was our sister magazine! It surprises me, sometimes, how long this little zine has been around and what adventures it’s had.
Of course I’m writing a nice note back to go with the copy of my very first issue that he requested to satisfy his subscription.
By the way, the
latest print issue is out (I’ve been too busy to promote it! But it is out, nonetheless), and
early subscriptions to the electronic version are available too. It ain’t over yet.
Originally published at
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