Oct 21, 2012 13:46
So at the moment Paula Friedlander is working on the cover for Mythic Delirium 27. She expects to be done by the end of this week. Then Tim Mullins will add some design elements and do some printing. What this means is that the issue will be out during the first week or two of November. The issue, with Theodora Goss, Ken Liu, Rachel Swirsky and more, will be worth the wait, trust me.
Choosing the final contents for Mythic Delirium 28 also sits in waiting-in-the-doctor's-office status while I get feedback from Anita on the finalists. Not long now, though.
While these projects cool their heels, I've made my first effort at tackling Clockwork Phoenix 4 submissions this weekend. Funny how slush often has subconscious memes: pregnancies and snow globes (EDIT: Also mermaids!) seem to recur a lot in this initial batch.
I apologize in advance that most people will be getting template rejections - efficiency calls for it. I feel nothing is really gained by telling a writer "I knew in two sentences this story wasn't for me" or "I read the first three pages with interest, then got bored," as my reaction might have nothing to do with the story's quality - some of the stories I've already rejected are entertaining and absolutely publishable, but they don't fit the mix I want. Clockwork Phoenix is very hard to write for. (You might, however, have produced something I'd want and not know it. Only I can tell you for sure.)
If I'm moved to comment on a story, though, I definitely will.