I am so looking forward to being there this weekend: hanging out with
cucumberseed and the rest of the gang, as well as the Secret Poetry Cabal and the Interstitial Arts Foundation; attempting to say smart things about Peter Straub's fiction while he watches from the audience; browbeating the poets in my workshop; and otherwise carrying on - and last but not least attempting to completely fool (as opposed to just partly fooling) the audience in this year's Kirk Poland Memorial Bad Prose Competition. (
Here's my complete schedule if you're curious.)
And it looks like I'll have a very special project to be talking up at the con, every chance I get. More on that Real Soon.
It feels like I've never had to do as much preparation for a ReaderCon as I have for this one. Though on reflection, that's probably not true. It's just that the nature of this year's preparation has been very different.