
Jul 09, 2012 19:21

I am so looking forward to being there this weekend: hanging out with wirewalking, sovay, csecooney, pattytempleton, shadesong, cucumberseed and the rest of the gang, as well as the Secret Poetry Cabal and the Interstitial Arts Foundation; attempting to say smart things about Peter Straub's fiction while he watches from the audience; browbeating the poets in my workshop; and otherwise carrying on - and last but not least attempting to completely fool (as opposed to just partly fooling) the audience in this year's Kirk Poland Memorial Bad Prose Competition. (Here's my complete schedule if you're curious.)

And it looks like I'll have a very special project to be talking up at the con, every chance I get. More on that Real Soon.

It feels like I've never had to do as much preparation for a ReaderCon as I have for this one. Though on reflection, that's probably not true. It's just that the nature of this year's preparation has been very different.

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