Charloft- Wednesday: Down by the Sea & Thursday: Purchases

Apr 22, 2010 18:37

Tonight, show us the body of water that's closest to where you live. This can include but is not limited to: lakes, streams, giant puddles, actual oceans, etc.
For a bonus, tell us about an experience you've had with 'your' body of water, or someone else's.

Glad the team moved to where I can see the ocean again. Japan has some kickass sunsets. Funnily enough, its the exact same ocean that washes up on the shore back in Cali, only on the other side of the world. Once it warms up, I am totally heading down to the shore.

In 100 words, tell us about the first thing you bought with your own money.

Being on the streets wasn't easy. Mark knew he'd eventually end up back at the institute, but for now, he just wandered around Hollywood after hitching a ride. Being able to steal a wallet was sheer dumb luck. He knew exactly where he was heading to eat. Pink's.

"Can I-"

He interrupted, already knowing his order after standing in line for an hour. "Rosie O'Donell Long Island Dog." It may have been cheaper just to head to the local McDonald's, but somehow it was so much more satisfying to order a hot dog with enough toppings to choke a horse.

charloft, homesick, drabble

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