Charloft- Wednesday- What I Value Most Is....

Apr 07, 2010 19:19

Show us what you value most. As an extra, or as an alternative, tell us about it.

Pic is pretty self-explanatory. Some might argue family and friends are more important, but I disagree. Without sanity, nothing matters, for otherwise you don't have the comprehension to understand the emotional importance and significance of anything else.

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charloft, sanity

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45825243_t78_a April 8 2010, 18:41:22 UTC
Guess it's true what they say. You always want what you can't have.


time_schizo April 8 2010, 20:14:58 UTC
What's that supposed to mean?


45825243_t78_a April 8 2010, 20:16:30 UTC
You really gotta ask, you're provin' my point.


time_schizo April 8 2010, 20:51:45 UTC
What point? I'm so confused.


45825243_t78_a April 9 2010, 17:28:35 UTC
It means, numbskull, that you got no sanity.


time_schizo April 9 2010, 21:25:29 UTC
None is a very broad term. I'd say I at least have some.


45825243_t78_a April 10 2010, 18:30:35 UTC
Sure ya would. That don't make it true.


time_schizo April 11 2010, 02:10:40 UTC
You clearly haven't been around enough crazy people to differentiate the ones with little sense and those with none. I am of the former kind.


45825243_t78_a April 11 2010, 15:02:38 UTC
I've seen enough crazies. More than enough.


time_schizo April 11 2010, 22:11:52 UTC
Bet you've never actually stayed in a nuthouse though. Tell you what. I'll dump you in the next asylum I find for about a week or so. After outting up with that, you'll find me to be quite sane.


45825243_t78_a April 12 2010, 07:53:18 UTC
I ain't gonna spend a week in no asylum. One nut is bad enough.

((Dude! Best and corniest, but shutupIstilllikeit idea for an AU ever! Logan does end up in a nuthouse, with no idea how he got there, and when he has to get rough to break out, his claws won't come out, 'cause he's not really a mutant (anymore? or his powers are suppressed somehow?or he's just made up the whole thing)! And then he'll run into Martini there. And Jean will be his shrink. And YAY!))


time_schizo April 12 2010, 08:03:16 UTC

((OMG!! Me likey the idea lots, ohhh yes. *Rubs hands together in a devious manner.* Why can I picture Logan being all "LET ME OUTTA HERE!!" two minutes after talking with Martini?))


45825243_t78_a April 12 2010, 08:11:41 UTC
Got nothin' to do with bravery, shithead. It'd be like spendin' your life in the sewers. You can, you just don't want to.

((You think he'd last that long? XD Logan would definitely lose his mind for real in a place like that. He's pretty borderline breaking-point sometimes as it is. Think he got it from his mother.))


time_schizo April 12 2010, 08:22:36 UTC
The hell it doesn't. Trying not to lose your sanity is the hardest struggle I've ever come across. But I'm not arguing with you there. Rather be run through again by your claws rather than go back.

He'd end up in a straitjacket after putting up with Martini's nonsense for about a day. Seeing as how Mark makes even less sense when he's in the nuthouse.


45825243_t78_a April 12 2010, 08:33:53 UTC
Guess joinin' Stryker's like winnin' the lottery for you. No more lockup.

((Oh dear oh dear oh dear... Yes, that would be bad. In a fun way.))


time_schizo April 12 2010, 08:40:54 UTC
Why'd you think I joined? It was either this, or stay in a military lab so they could find out what makes me tick.

((He'd have to put with Martini for the rest of his life. Oh boy. XD))


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